New Adventures

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I rolled over, grabbing my phone to turn off the annoying alarm that was blaring through my bedroom at 6:55am, signaling it was time to get up and get ready for work. I laid in bed for an extra five minutes before getting up and making my way over to the bathroom to take a shower, hoping it would help wake me up.

After I dried my hair and put on my makeup, I made my way over to the closet to pick out an outfit, going with a black blazer, blue blouse and black skirt, pulled together with some heels. Once I was happy with my appearance, I grabbed my purse and phone and started to head out of my apartment to the parking garage. I started my 20 minute drive to American Airlines Center, first stopping at Starbucks to get some coffee because Lord knows I'm going to need it.

I'm originally from Philadelphia and went to school for Sports Management. Sports have always been a big part of my life. If I wasn't playing, I was watching. That's how I made friends over the years, it's what I knew and couldn't imagine my life any other way. In college, my best friend, Kelli and I would always go to so many different sporting events. One could text the other randomly asking if they wanted to go to a game that night, and without a second thought, the other would drop everything and go. Kelli and I would stay up for hours talking about how after we graduated, we would move to Dallas and start the new chapters of our lives somewhere new. We've been inseparable for most of our lives. Until Kelli met Taylor, then all the plans that we made were put on hold and I wasn't sure if they would ever happen. They ended up moving in together after graduation and I was happy for them, don't get me wrong, I just was sad that I wouldn't have my best friend with me making this big move across the country. I knew I was capable of doing it by myself but, I just wish I had my best friend to share the adventure with.

It's been a year since I moved to Dallas and I won't lie, I've had a fair share of highs and lows but I honestly wouldn't change anything. I've been working for the Dallas Mavericks for a year now in their community relations department along with game day operations. I love putting together events with my team and giving back to the community, but my heart belongs to game day preparations, whether it be coming up with activities for the fans to engage in or hosting the VIP guests who come to see a game. I've had the pleasure of meeting a lot of Dallas legends and celebrities at games. I wouldn't trade my job for anything.

The only downside is, I work long days and nights and never really have time to have a social life. Not knowing anyone besides my co-workers, I found myself in a routine of going to work, coming home, making dinner and watching something on tv and then going to bed just to get up the next day and do it all over again. I didn't mind being alone most of the time but when I would see other people going out with friends, I would be lying if I said I didn't get lonely every so often. Staying home by yourself, day in and day out does get tiring especially when you don't have anyone to talk to. I have friends at work but that's all they are, friends from work.

After the 20-minute drive, I parked my car and started going over the things I needed to get done for the game on Thursday, which was tomorrow. As I was walking in, I ran into my boss, Darren.

"Good morning, Meghan. How are you?" The 6'2'' 40-year-old man asked, holding the door open for me to walk in.

"I'm alright, just mentally going over my check list for tomorrow. How are you?" I asked as we continued to walk towards our offices.

"As am I." He chuckles. "I have some VIP people coming tomorrow and I need my best team member to host them and I'm hoping that could, be you? Maybe even have Dylan assist you too just in case you have to step out for a second?" He asked as we got into the elevator.

"I can do that, no problem. Who are your VIPs?" I asked.

"A couple of Stars players wanted to come to the game, so I invited them as my guests."

"And you want me to host them?" I asked a little surprised. "You're not worried about me giving them hell for playing for a Dallas team?" I laughed a little and so did he.

"I picked you because there's a possibility you would. They've come to games before and everyone who would host them would either be too afraid to talk to them or would talk way too much. They need a nice happy medium and I'm confident that's you." Darren said grabbing my shoulders and giving me a confident smile.

"If they complain about me busting their balls, I'm blaming you." I said, opening my office door.

"Alright deal. If that happens, I'll take full blame but I don't think they will. I'll email you the details to go over for tomorrow. Have a good day!" Darren said before turning and walking to his office down the hall.

I can't believe he asked me to host some of The Dallas Stars players. Who was going to be here? Okay, Meghan, focus. you have a lot of work to do before tomorrow, there's no time to stress over this. Besides, they're just normal guys, who happen to play professional hockey for a team you are a fan of, but they don't need to know that.

After endless phone calls, answering a bunch of emails, and making sure the giveaways for tomorrow night were at each entrance along with other little things that needed to be taken care of before tomorrow, I was finally done work for the day.

To say I was exhausted would be an understatement. It was 7 o'clock and I was definitely ready to go home and go to bed. I ran to Darren's office and asked if he needed me to do anything else before I left. He waved me off and told me to get some sleep because he needed me to bring my "A game" to which I just laughed and wished him a good night.

On the way home, I mentally went over the details Darren sent me earlier. I was to meet them at the player entrance and escort them up to their VIP box, then stay with them in case they needed anything. Most of the time, the VIPs never asked for anything because they were too caught up with the game and the conversations around them, so it was kind of like a night off where you could actually enjoy the game and get a bird's eye view of the operations you worked hard on and make sure everything is going smoothly.

Tomorrow was going to be interesting to say the least, but I'd be lying if I'd say I wasn't excited.    

A Fresh Start (Meghan's Story Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now