We're Your Friends

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I rolled over and grabbed my phone to check the time, it was 11AM. As I laid there trying to find the energy to get up, I started to think back to the events of last night. Once I got home, I texted Tyler like I promised, then we just kept texting until I fell asleep. It was so weird how comfortable I felt with him, even though we only just met literally two days ago. I'm slowly starting to see myself let him and the other guys in a little more which I'm okay with. I just hope nothing changes because I would love to have them in my life more.

I knew I had to get up to go grocery shopping and then clean the house. I figured the sooner I get everything done, the sooner I can just go back to laying around and do nothing. So, I dragged myself out of bed and started getting ready. I threw on leggings and a sweatshirt then tried to tame my hair the best that I could, but I didn't care too much since I was just going to the grocery store and then coming right back home.

Once I came back from the store, I put the groceries away and then started to clean my apartment. I love blasting music while I clean, it makes it more fun and it helps past the time. I haven't been able to deep clean my apartment since I have been so busy with work, I figured I'd do the works and clean every inch. I was dancing around, cleaning the Livingroom when my phone started to ring. It was Tyler.

"Hello?" I answered, trying not to sound out of breath from dancing.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

"I'm cleaning my apartment." I answered, leaning against the arm of the couch.

"Do you want to come over and hangout for a bit? We're hanging out by the fire and having some drinks." Tyler asked.

"I really need to finish cleaning...but I can come over after for a bit. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect. Come over whenever you're done."

"Okay, I'll text you when I'm on my way." I said before hanging up.

I finished cleaning twenty minutes after hanging up with Tyler. I jumped in the shower then got dressed quick, then shot Tyler a text, saying I was on my way.

Once I got to Tyler's, I started to walk around back like he told me to. I found the gate and started to walk into his backyard, I heard the guys laughing so I followed their voices, I then heard two dogs barking. I stopped once I saw a chocolate and black lab, coming towards me. They both came up to me and started smelling me, then started to jump on me, trying to give me kisses. I couldn't help but laugh and pet the energetic dogs. Then, I heard Tyler come over.

"Cash, Marshall, get down!" He commanded, and they sat and looked at him. "I'm so sorry, Meghan." He said, feeling bad Cash and Marshall were jumping on me.

"Oh, I don't mind at all! I'm just mad I didn't get to meet them last night." I answered, leaning down to pet both labs again.

"I have a feeling if you did, you would have been spending all your time with them upstairs and not with us at the party." He laughed.

"You are absolutely right about that." I said, standing up to look at Tyler who playfully rolled his eyes.

We walked over to the firepit where Jordie, Jason and Jamie were discussing tomorrow's game against The Predators. It was always a pretty physical game whenever they played the Preds and with equal records and some left over tension from the last meeting, it was going to be a good game.

As Tyler and I walked over, the men turned and looked in our direction.

"Hey, Meghan!" Jordie said, standing up to hug me.

"Hey, Jordie! I'm surprised to see you up and functioning...you too Jason." I said, as I hugged the others then taking a seat between Tyler and Jordie.

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