Chapter one: Meeting in Posada

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"Ugh, this day is going fantastic."

I mutter to myself, dragging the dead buck I had shot this morning. It weighed about 250 pounds and was almost impossible to move, but I needed the money I would get for it. Jaskier was counting on me to bring something home as well and I wasn't going to let him down. Hearing hooves coming up the road behind me I turn my head, looking at the tall man riding. He had silver hair and piercing gold eyes, clad all in black and he slows down when he comes near me.

"Having troubles there?"

The man says in a deep gravelly voice and it makes my cheeks flush pink. He was handsome, people like him made me so nervous.

"Y-yeah, just a l-little bit. Do you mind helping me? I'm just g-going to Posada."

I ask as I straighten my back out, the man looking me up and down, which made my cheeks feel like they were burning up.

"I can give you half the cut I'll make with this at the market. As thanks if you do."

I shuffle my feet, the man smirking slightly before getting off his horse and walking over to me.

"Okay, I'll help you Ms."

He takes the rope I was using to pull the buck out of my hands and attaches it to the back of his saddle.

"What's your name?"

The man asks as he looks at me, beginning to walk forward with his horse and I follow after him quickly, walking up behind him and staying a bit behind so as to not be too close.

"(Y/N), though my friends call me (N/N). Yours? Also you have a beautiful horse, how long have you had her?"

I give him a soft look with a slight smile, feeling a little more comfortable around the man.

"Geralt. Roach has been with me for a long time. What is a lady like you doing hunting for coin?"

I sigh, fiddling with the hem of my shirt, my nerves starting to bubble up in my chest.

"Well, it's how I make money. My father taught me and my brother how to hunt but my brother never took to it. So when our parents died I took up this as a way to make more money to take care of us."

A soft smile graced my lips, my eyes focused ahead as I started thinking of my brother's first attempt to shoot a doe when we were young, him not being able to go through with it.

"He absolutely bawled at the thought of killing an animal.. He still thinks I should trade professions and be a bard like him but I don't think I'd be able to do that."

Geralt gives me a look up and down before turning back to the road.

"And what do you do for a job Geralt?"

I ask, turning my gaze back to him for a moment before looking back at the road, Geralt seeming to think something over before sighing.

"I'm a Witcher. I'm kind of surprised you hadn't guessed that by now. Guess this is the part where you run screaming huh?"

I give him a confused look, slowing down to a stop, Geralt stopping as well to look at me.

"Why would I do that? You've done nothing but be kind to me so far."

Geralt raises an eyebrow at my words, curiosity filling his features as he looks me up and down.

"Haven't you heard what witchers do? Aren't you afraid?"

He asks me and I shrug my shoulders, starting to walk again as we neared Posada.

"I have heard of what witchers do, but I'm not afraid. You kill monsters, to me that just means you're like a hero. Even if you have done some bad, you still have done good to balance it out right? So I have no reason to be afraid, if I did I wouldn't have let you help me. The market is this way, we should hurry. Don't want to keep you long."

I feel Geralt's eyes on my back as I walk ahead, entering the city. Wait till my brother hears I'd met a Witcher.

Alright lovelies, hope you enjoy this new story! I've been working on it for a while and have been debating posting it here for just as long, but I'm really proud of how my writing has progressed. I'm going to follow the witcher shows plot line as I'm more familiar with it than the games, it's been a while since I played them. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, even if it is short. I'm working on mobile so things look longer on it hah. Until next chapter lovelies!

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