Chapter six: Joining the Witcher

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"You sure you're okay to walk sis? You're not looking so good."

Jaskier asks me, taking my arm as we are escorted out of the elven camp and back to where we were taken and I nod, ignoring the growing pain in between my eyes.

"For the twentieth time, I will be just fine, Jaskier."

I say in a reassuring voice, patting his arm as Geralt gives me a knowing look. I was hurt more than I was letting on and my walking showed it as I swayed.

"Come here, you can ride on Roach till we get back to the city."

Geralt says, taking me from my brother and lifting me onto Roaches saddle by my waist and I give him a small look of gratitude.

"Hey, I thought no one could touch Roach?"

My brother says in a teasing manner and Geralt quickly shuts him up with a glare, taking the reins and starting to walk with Roach.

"Nevermind. But I must give credit where it's due, that reverse psychology thing you did worked wonders."

Jaskier does an impression of Geralt and I roll my eyes at him with a smile.

"I didn't think Filavandrel would give you his lute though brother. He has my respect. He survived the great cleansing once, maybe he can do it again. Be reborn or something."

I say, Geralt's eyes flickering up to me as I speak, Jaskier smiling as he begins to sing.

"Will the elf King heed what the witcher entreats, is history a wheel doomed to repeat?"

Jaskeir frowns at his lines, shaking his head.

"No, that's shit."

Jaskier mumbles and I giggle softly at his face.

"I liked it."

I tell him and he shoots me a grateful smile as Geralt rolls his eyes.

"This is where we part ways, bard, for good."

Geralt says as he continues to guide Roach down the road as I hold onto the saddle.

"Hey, I promised to change the public's tune about you, at least allow me to try. And what about my sister hmm? Are you parting ways with her as well?"

Jaskeir says, grabbing the lute from his back and I smile, waiting to hear his next verse.

"No, I'm taking her back to town so she can get her head looked at. Then we'll part ways as well."

Geralt says, and I notice almost a hint of sadness in his voice and I look at him with curiosity.

"Or I could come with you instead. I'm a good fighter and healer. I also know some magic, I could be an asset to you."

I ask Geralt and he meets my eyes, seeing a stubbornness in them and he sighs, knowing I wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Fine. You can come with me."

Geralt mutters and Jaskier smiles, strumming his lute and I listen to the melody.

"When a humble bard, graced a ride along, with Geralt of Rivia, along came this song. From when the white wolf fought, a silver tongued devil, his army of elves at his hooves did they travel. They came after me, with masterful decit, they broke down my lute and they kicked in my teeth. While the devil's horns minced our tender meat, and so cried the witcher, he can't be bleat"

I give Jaskier a look as Geralt says,

"That's not how it went. Where's your new found respect?".

With a soft look Jaskier turns around to face us, strumming his lute still.

"Respect doesn't make history."

Jaskier says, looking at me with a smile.

"Why don't you try giving me the chorus sis hmm?"

I feel Geralt's eyes on me as I sigh, a soft smile on my face as I listen to the melody on his lute before singing in a soft voice.

"Toss a coin to your witcher, oh Valley of plenty, oh valley of plenty, oh. Toss a coin to your witcher oh valley of plenty, oh valley of plenty oh."

I end the verse feeling Geralt eye me up and down.

"That's pretty sis! I'll use that."

Jaskier says, continuing on with a new verse as Geralt stops, and I look at him.

"You have a better voice than your brother."

Geralt says and I give him a soft smile.

"Thanks, you're about the only person other than him to hear me sing."

With a gentle nod Geralt starts walking again, Roach following as we head back to Posada.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

Geralt asks me, directing a soft look to me and I return it with one of my own.

"Geralt, there's nothing I'd like more than to join you on your adventures. Besides, from what I saw back there you need someone to keep you from getting into trouble hmm?"

I give him a cheeky smirk and he rolls his eyes at me with a slight smile.

"Come on you two slow pokes!"

Jaskier says from ahead of us, and I notice Geralt roll his eyes at him, leading Roach to the road at a faster pace.

"Let's get you to a healer, then you can go pack your things. We leave in the morning."

Geralt says quietly and I nod, excitement filling my body at the thought of the new adventures I'd be facing with the witcher.

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