Chapter eighteen: Duny

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So, I have to say this. Calanthe is badass. One of my favorite side characters from the show. She just doesn't give a shit and I love that.

"Oh fishmonger, oh fishmonger, come quell your daughter's hunger!"

Jaskier starts up as people start smiling and clapping along with him as he sends a wink my way and I roll my eyes at him with a smile.

"To pull on my horn as it rises in the morn. For tis not but bad luck, to fuck with a puck!" Lest your grandkids be born a hairy young faun, bleating and baying all day, Hey ho!"

Jaskier continues as people sing and clap along with him and I smile, taking a sip of my drink as I listen to his song before frowning slightly, my ears picking up the sound of swords clashing together. Turning my head in the direction I heard the sounds from I see a knight enter the room fighting some of the guards and I look to Geralt as he looks at the knight.

"Forgive my late intrusion, your majesty, and for the misunderstanding with your guards."

The knight says walking to the center of the room as I see guards draw their swords and I form fists with my hands. This could get bloody.

"I need but one moment of your time. I am lord Urcheon of Erlenwald, and I've come to claim your daughter's hand in marriage. "

The knight says, taking a knee and the queen glares at him.

"A knight with no renown, from a backwater hamlet who dares to enter my court without revealing his face?"

Calanthe starts and the knight bows his head.

"I apologise, your majesty, a knight's oath prevents me from revealing my face until the sounding of the twelfth bell."

The knight says when Eist calls him out, walking over and pulling the helmet off the knight as it chatters to the floor, people gasping at the sight of the man, who looked like a hedgehog.

"He's been cursed."

I mumble to myself as I stand, looking to Geralt who'd come to the same thought.

"Slay this beast!"

Calanthe shouts and two guards attack the knight who knocks them out, drawing his sword and pointing it at Calanthe.

"Lioness of Cintra, I come to claim what is rightfully mine! Pavetta, by the law of surprise."

The knight says and confusion crosses my face but it doesn't stay there long when the guards draw their swords, attacking the knight and I look to Geralt and he gets up from the chair, grabbing his sword as the knight is punched to the ground and I step away from the table as Geralt cuts the ax in half as it's swung at the knight, Geralt looking at him with a nod and I grab a sword from a fallen guard sliding into the fight as I block a strike aimed to kill the knight and I cut down the guard it came from.

"Kill them!"

Calanthe screams and I start focusing on the other guards. I knock out as many as I can, killing a few as the guests start to join the fight, the queen getting up and joining in, about to cross blades with Geralt before yelling for everyone to stop.


I hear the princess say as she rushes to the knight, pulling him into a hug and cupping his face in her hands as he looks at her with love and I lower my sword, Geralt standing next to me as I watch the Queen deny anything to do with the law. I watch the guests as they listen to the queen call them out about destiny and she turns to Geralt.

"And you witcher who has known monsters of every fang and claw, are you afraid too?"

Calanthe asks him, shaking slightly.

"No. I've seen mothers lash themselves raw over the death of a child, thinking they crossed destiny, ignoring the stench of the other fifty children in the plague cart outside. Destiny helps people believe there's an order to this horse shit. There isn't. But a promise made must be honored, as true for a commoner as it is for a queen"

Geralt finishes and I look at the princess and Duny, and I see the love in her eyes for him and I can't help but think about how they are perfect together. Calanthe looks to Eist and hands him her sword with a shaky hand, holding out her other as Duny accepts it, pulling him to her.

"Here is your destiny."

I hear her say as she draws a knife, aiming to kill him as Pavetta screams and a shock wave goes through the room, knocking everyone back and I land next to Geralt as he tries to cover my face from the magical storm and I wince, feeling the intensity of the spell as my ears fill with Pavettas voice as she speaks Eldar as the room goes black. When I open my eyes I see Geralt holding out his hand for me and I take it as he helps me to my feet, broken glass everywhere and I look at him with gratitude. People around us begin to stand as well and I look around for Jaskier, finding him safe and I let out a sigh in relief as I made eye contact with him, Calanthe taking her daughters hands in her own.

"I thought your grandmother's gift skipped you, as it did me. I was wrong about many things."

Calanthe turns to the crowd of men and I grab Geralt's hand as he looks down at me with worry.

"Destiny has spoken, and I have listened. The law of surprise will be upheld. Pavetta will marry Lord Urcheon."

Whispers start around the room and Eist walks over to Calanthe, taking her hand in his.

"React poorly, and you won't just face the lioness, but the sea hounds of Skellige because queen Calanthe has agreed to my marriage proposal."

Eist says, looking at Calanthe with a kind smile before turning back to the crowd of people.

"There will be two vows here tonight. I assume that's agreeable."

Calanthe says, looking across the room with a challenge lingering in the air to defy her and murmurs of agreements flood the room.


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