16: A Confrontation on a Balcony

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Beth felt like one of the ships in the poems; swept up in a storm and travelling steadily towards the hungry rocks. Her stomach flipped as she forced herself into a shaky curtsey.

"L-Lord Pendrake." Beth licked her suddenly dry lips. Remembering the water she held, she lifted it – too quickly – and spilled more than a bit on her skirts. She let out a strained giggle as she wiped droplets away. Aggressively.

Stilling abruptly, Beth took a deep breath and a long blink, and then glanced up at Pendrake with the gentle, demure smile she'd had impressed on her at finishing school. "How lovely to see you again."

He returned her smile. "It's been too long, my dear."

Beth's stomach, already in turmoil, swirled at the endearment, and her hand clutched it protectively. She felt the heat bloom in her cheeks, and she ducked her head to hide them even as his grin widened.

"You visited yesterday, Lord Pendrake," she reminded him, softly both out of shy embarrassment and because she was acutely aware of the presence behind her.

Pendrake leaned closer, bordering social impropriety. "Far too long," he said on a breath.

Beth couldn't help but step backwards. She bumped against a warm body behind her. Turning slightly, she met John's gaze; his warm, slightly concerned gaze. Her heart thumped once, painfully, and she glanced again at Pendrake and then John.

"Oh, uh..." her hands met in front of her, fidgeting her gloved fingers over each other. "Lord Pendrake, this is J-" she swallowed. "Lord John. He's a, uh... friend of the family."

The men bowed awkwardly at each other; John because he couldn't bend fully around the crutch, Pendrake because he didn't seem to want to take his eyes off John. His gaze had hardened since he looked at her, and it flicked over John from head to toe. In particular, he focussed on the gap between Beth and John. Or rather, the lack of one.

Beth stepped away quickly.

Pendrake's face settled back into his usual smile. "Any friend of the Humphrey family will, I hope, be a friend of mine. In the future."

Neither of his audience missed the implication as the man turned his warm eyes to Beth. Then he looked away, fixing his attention on John, though his gaze was decidedly colder.

"Have you known the Humphrey family long?" he asked.

John smiled politely. "It's difficult to remember exactly how long I've known them."

Beth couldn't help the little snort that escaped at his tactful half-truth, though she hid it with a dainty cough.

Pendrake offered her his handkerchief instantly with a flourish, but she declined.

"Ah, I would not dream of forgetting a moment of my acquaintance with them."

"I'm sure."

Beth wasn't quite sure about the tone in John's voice then, and Pendrake also seemed to notice. His next questions were decidedly less polite.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm not local."

"Do you have a profession?"

"Not at this time?"

"Are you affianced?"

John barked out a laugh, startling Beth with its falseness. "Ah, Pendrake, I do not think we are well enough acquainted for such intimate details."

Pendrake's gaze narrowed, but his smile returned. "Surely marriage is not a difficult question?"

"I think it would depend who you are asking."

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