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14 years later

Elizabeth Anne Richards, née Humphrey, was not exactly old, she decided after studying her reflection in the mirror for many minutes, she just no longer looked particularly young. Her hair was gathered messily at the nape of her neck and her eyes were surrounded by creases she'd earned from years of laughing, frowning, and looking to the heavens. Her brow was almost toned from years of quirking eyebrows at mischievous children, and her lips permanently upturned from the many hidden smiles that followed. Her nose was interesting, she thought, turning in profile to study it in more detail. It was the same nose her mother bore in the portrait from the dining hall and the same nose her daughter pressed against every window she could find. All-in-all, she was quite happy with her appearance, and at seven and thirty she could only expect further improvements.

A gentle knock at the door brought her attention away from her own reflection, and she raised her gaze slightly to see her husband staring back at her from the doorway. She twisted in her chair to smile at him.

"Oh, hello."

He moved into the room, glancing around at the pink fabric that was draped between the bedposts and across the robe. "Dianna has redecorated, I see."

"Our niece has excellent taste." It was the same room she had grown up in, now commandeered by a new generation. It was very... pink.

David moved to her. He still walked with the slightest of limps, but it had never held him back. Leaning on the back of Beth's chair, he bent his neck to capture her mouth in a less than chaste kiss. Even after almost fourteen years of marriage, his heart still thrummed every time they were in the same room together.

A long groan from behind them interrupted the kiss, and they broke apart with smiles to look at their daughter standing in the doorway with a disgusted expression on her face. Leticia, named for the grandmother she'd never known, was almost a perfect copy of Beth, though her height at ten suggested she might outgrow her mother one day. The only other difference was her eyes – a light green like her father's – that were currently scowling at the man in question.

"Papa!" she reprimanded, small hands clenching on her hips. She was very careful not to ruffle her gown. It was a pale blue, softly falling to her ankles, with delicate flowers embroidered along the waistband.

David stalked towards her, eyes glinting with mischief, and her expression broke into a giggle as he swept her up into a hug. Beth watched with a full heart, but after a moment her motherly instincts kicked in and she stepped forward before David could throw their daughter onto the bed.

"Be careful of the dress, David!"

He tossed her a smile and lowered Letty gently instead.

The girl scurried quickly out of reach, grinning cheekily at her father, before turning a concerned eye to her dress.

"Is it alright, Mama?"

Beth smiled at her, moving closer to brush one stray curl out of her face. "It is perfect, darling. You are a very pretty flower girl!"

Letty squinted at her. "The prettiest?"

Beth had been a mother and aunt long enough to know that there was no good answer to that question. "I hope you're the kindest and gentlest flower girl."

Her daughter let out a huff of air, rolled her eyes at her mother, and left the room.

David grinned at his wife, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side. "She gets that from you." He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek.

Beth might have protested if she thought it wasn't true.

"Surely all the nieces is too many flower girls. I didn't think Phil would even care to have a big wedding!" David commented as they followed their daughter out of the room.

"I don't think Phil knew that Phil would want a big wedding," Beth said with a shrug. "And don't forget all of the nephews – they could hardly be left out." She frowned gently. "Speaking of which..."

Picking up the pace slightly, she pulled her husband with her into the hallway, calling after their daughter who was already at the top of the stairs. "Letty, do you know where John has got to?"

With a look that told her mother that she was not responsible for her older brother, Letty shrugged. "I think they're out by the stables."

Motherly instinct deepened her frown. "Doing what?"

"Seeing if they can get a better view from the roof."

Beth's eyes widened. "He could break a leg doing that!"

Letty was completely unfazed. She offered a bright smile. "Then he'll walk like Papa!"

She trotted down the stairs, leaving her parents frozen in place. After a moment to calm her racing heart, Beth threw David a look.

"He gets that from you."

With a curse, the man took off hurriedly across the landing, leaving his wife to run a hand across her amused smile. She may have been plain and old, but she loved and was loved in turn.

What more could she want?

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