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**** Rowdy snapped the phone shut. "Good news men, Topper is finally out of ICU! Doc says she thinks he's out of danger there and be coming home within a few weeks."

There was a cheer among the group.

"Wait a minute, what did she mean out of danger there?"

Rowdy and Beau chuckled, "Well," Beau answered, "in the hospital they can control who is in the room and who isn't. So many young women have been volunteering to take care of him at the hospital, my own sister included, the doctor's afraid he won't get enough rest."

Bear had given the map of the mountain to Rowdy prior to his deployment. The deputy had found the deed in his father's belongings when he and Koni had been going through his personal papers.

Rowdy wasn't surprised that Beau owned Wolf Mountain, but was surprised to find that Brett Sr. had bought the land from Bear and Koni's dad.

Angel noticed the map and pointed out the area called Wolf Falls.

"The Falls haven't been checked, and I have a feelin' that's where Smithe or Rodriguez as we now know him has his camp." He locked eyes with Brett. "Where better to hide a pack of wolves, but on a mountain known for the wolf that gave it the name."

Both men were in agreement. Brett looked as if some realization had just hit him. "I've heard rumors about the Wolf Spirit howlin' at the moon. Those rumors have become like fact lately. It just never occured to me that it wasn't the wind blowin' around Wolf Cavern, but real wolves up on the mountain."

Rowdy nodded his agreement. "Same here, except they're not ordinary wolves."

"That is the kicker. I hear no one knows them close up and personal like you do."

Angel was looking from one man to another.

"Is there some info that my men and I should know about these wolves?" He asked warily. "If so I should get Lt. Davis in here for this."

Rowdy straightened. "I'm sorry, I just assumed you had been fully briefed," and looked quizzically at Brett.

Brett sighed, took his hat off, scratched his head and put the hat back on.

"I thought I had made the part about big wolves pretty clear Angel. I guess we'd better get the other guys in here so everyone knows part of what we're up against."

He handed Rowdy a cup of coffee and quietly called all of Team One. To his surprise, a streak of fur made its way for Angel, who knelt down and looked his partner in the eyes and nodded.

Angel looked at Brett and both men nodded. The FBI Agent grabbed his walkie and began to speak rapidly.

Rowdy lifted a brow but understood what was happening. The dog knew where the girls were. They would have to send some scouts in first, only then could they follow in full force, but that could also be a trap.

Rowdy called their attention and raised his voice enough to be heard by all.

He began to unbutton his protective vest and shirt as he spoke.

"Y'all have been told that we will in all likely hood be facin' wolves....huge wolves, wolves trained from birth to kill." He let them see the scars made by the Timber wolf that had attacked him, completely unprovoked four years before. He had nearly died back then.

"These are not just big wolves. They are huge. In every way, height, length, depth of chest, fur." He could see disbelief in the faces of the SEAL team. Picture a wolf 'bout as tall and long as a Great Dane but with the width, strength and fur of a Great Pyrenees. They're huge."

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon