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**** Mrs. Rigger shot to her feet, "Threats don't work on me, Mr. Kincaid!"

Rowdy lifted the scarred brow and straightened to his full height. Crossing his powerful arms, Rowdy leaned toward the three. "Mrs. Rigger, you obviously don't know me very well. I... do... not... make... threats. That was a promise, and I don't make any promises that can't be backed up with actions."

Mr. Smidgen narrowed his beady eyes, "Kincaid, I think it's time that..."

The three staff members looked up as Whoop, whoop, whoop filled the air. It was so close that the glass in the windows shook.

"What on earth is that pilot thinking?!" Mrs. Rigger snapped, "That helicopter is way too close!"

Rowdy let a sly smile spread across his face, 'Oh, papa bear is in the house, he is pissed and the boom is about to be lowered.'

* * *

Beau barged into the office, the look on his face said it all, "Where are my kids?!"

Yancy who had followed behind him placed a restraining hand on the irate man's shoulder, "Easy, son. Let's hear 'em out."

Rowdy nodded his greeting, "Kyle is waitin' with Kaylee in the nurse's office."

Topper who had just entered, nodded to Beau and said softly,, "I'm on it Boss." He made a swift turn and left immediately for the nurse's office to check on the kids.

Mr Smidgen jumped out of his chair and pointed to the door. "Who is that man and where is he going? He has no right to be in this school!"

"That man," Beau stated between clenched teeth, "That man, is one of my best hands with knowledge of children's illnesses. He will take a look at Kaylee and offer any assistance to your nurse ... his cousin. He has as much right to be here as anyone else. And if you look in both my kids files you'll see that he is named as an emergency contact."

Mr. Smidgen scoffed, "There is no need for anyone to check your daughter,, especially a...a..."

The room became very still.. "A ... a... what Mr Smidgem?"

"Well, I've never seen him before,, and there is nothing  wrong with your daughter that requires all this..." He floundered for words before taking a breath and stating,, "She needs to return to class and complete her school work without all the drama. I don't see any of the rest of the kids faking an illness to get out of class."

Beau's face reddened, "Are you insinuating that my daughter who undoubtedly has an IQ that leaves yours in the dust is faking? I have already withdrawn one of my daughters from this school because you people refused to follow the ADA dictates to accommodate her disability! This isn't the first time I've had to come deal with the incompetence of this school staff."

Mr. Rigger's face turned beat red, "Maybe you should teach your children how to respect their elders! If your son continues this behavior I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to suspend him. On that note your daughter will be writing sentences for the next week if she keeps faking this supposed illness of hers."

Beau narrowed his eyes, "We'll see about that!" He looked at Rowdy, "Where's the nurses office?"

"This way," he answered and the three men walked from the room.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now