We run and hide behind a couple dumpsters near the park. "Do you think they already saw us?" I ask Keira. She shrugs. We listen silently to their footsteps, but I can't tell if they are getting closer or farther. "The pitch" I begin. "What does it do?" "I think it's supposed to knock us out" Keira says to me. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "In my neighborhood, after that sound, everyone was like- dead." "What?!" I whisper shout. "Not dead but like- passed out." She whispers. "When it happened- " "Shhhh" Keira cuts me off. The footsteps are much louder now, which means they are closer. Keira and I stay silent, the light hum of the android's internal fans are the only thing that can be heard. The footsteps stop close to the dumpster we're hiding behind. I hold my breath. Tears prick my eyes from the lack of oxygen. The footsteps slowly continue passed us. My breathing evens out and I turn to Keira to see her already looking at me. "I found a paper that has an address" I whisper to Keira. I hand her the note. "We can cut through those buildings to get to Yesler Way" She says while pointing across the street. "We have to move quietly" Keira says. We slowly get up and tiptoe out from behind the dumpster. The group of androids is farther down the street, but any noise could alert them. "Just follow me" Keira says.

She silently walks out onto the sidewalk and hides behind a bush. I follow. She sidesteps to get behind a flipped car. She then moves across the street behind another totaled car. Keira then begins to move from the car to the other sidewalk. I hold my breath. She's halfway across the street when- crunch. The androids turn to the sound of the leaf crunching under Keira's shoe.

Without warning, the entire group of androids rush at Keira. "Keira, catch!" I throw her the Glock 17 and the mags. She catches them and begins to shoot. I pull out my Shorty and start shooting. The androids are fast but not fast enough to dodge bullets. I manage to kill 3 when Keira lets out a scream. I turn to her and see an android on top of her. I shoot the android and it falls off her. "Get to the other side!" I yell to her. We sprint to the other side of the street, hundreds of androids chasing after us. I jump over a small mailbox and Keira slides under a fallen light post. The androids behind sound another pitch, causing a splitting pain in my head. I continue running side by side with Keira. We run in between the buildings, the androids close behind us. I see a large fallen tree ahead of us but I don't have time to react. I try to jump but my foot catches. I tumble to the ground. I try to free my foot but it's stuck in between two branches. "Keira, help!!" I yell. Keira looks at me, then at the horde of androids barreling towards us. And she runs.

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