ch 7

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Liam Moonhovan

"A game?" I inquired, my gaze drawn from the steaming cup. "

Yea, a game" Enzo repeated. His bubbly demeanor appeared to dissolve the uneasy mood as he brightened up.

"I know that. I meant what game? Dumbass" I retorted rolling my eyes at his excitement. It was like a grown-up version of Alexis' age mate.

"Oh, I was thinking 21 questions, but since it's just the two of us, we search up questions and both answer them honestly" he said as he leaned forward and placed his already empty cup on the table. I shrugged and said,

"yeah, sure." I didn't mind because I was usually playing games with Alexis, and I'd do everything to get out of the awkward position I'd made in the first place...actually, to be honest, it was partly his fault too.

I couldn't help but chuckle and roll my eyes as he brought out his phone. Of course he's a red iPhone kind of guy. "What?" Looking up at me, Enzo inquired.

"Nothing. Here I'll give you the Wi-Fi password so you can search up the questions" I said leaning forward and streaching my hand out. He handed me his phone, and I immediately began entering the passwords, which was, of course, "Mr.SprinklesMoonhovan," so it was wiser to do so rather than have him ask. Mr. Sprinkles was Alexis' favorite toy, that she'd given our surname claiming it's family.

I returned it to him, and he soon began typing. "Okay, I've got them. These are just basic questions with nothing too personal in them "He stated it as if he could read my apprehensive thoughts. It was no secret that I had trust issues, or at the very least, that I didn't trust people very easily, nor did I enjoy sharing my personal life and being vulnerable because it was seen as a show of weakness. The only time I've ever been truly vulnerable was when I was with Zach, which is still a rare occurrence.

"What's the first question?" I questioned as I slipped down to the carpet and sat across from him, separated only by the table. "

First, question. What is your life's TLDR?" He asked reading from the phone screen, before looking up and shrugging. "To be honest, I have no idea what that means."

"It stands for 'too long didn't read,' so it's essentially a synopsis of your life," I scoffed at his puzzled expression.

"So, what exactly is it?" He inquired, his arm resting on the table.

I mumbled, "I'd say work and uhhh work." He gave me a puzzled look before shaking his head. It would still be work and Alexis if I answered really honestly. "And what about you?" I inquired, jerking myself out of my thoughts.

"I'd definitely say. Hang out with friends, have a good time, and do anything I want "He shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, now for the second question. Which film or book do you believe is grossly overrated?" Looking up, he said. Enzo added, "It's my time to respond first, and I'd say Harry Potter."

"What? It was awesome." I objected. To be honest, I didn't get around to reading it until college, and I only got through the first two books, but it was a fantastic story. He shrugged,

"I just couldn't get into it." He shrugged before looking over at me "what do you think is overrated?"

For a little period, I pondered. "The Walking dead," I replied, his jaw gaping open.

"How?" He asked dramatically.

"My friend forced me to watch it, and it was a complete waste of time. It's utterly pointless and ridiculous. It's also lacking of logic and common sense "I pointed out it.

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