Last Bonus chapter: Legally Family

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Enzo's birthday was coming up and as usual everything was planned out perfectly, to the tee.

It was practically in Liam's blood to always have things perfect. He had Zar and Tobias on babysitting all the kids, who we're given the important task of wrapping the gifts. Zach and Madi we're in charge of the invite list, and decorating the club. 

And Liam was to keep his husband busy until noon. Which wasn't hard at all. He had planned the party two days before, since Enzo's actual birthday was on the Monday. So at least the party would be a surprise.

"It's completely stupid of him to run away. I mean just don't be a pussy and tell him to his face" Liam sighed, shaking his head at the tv.

"That's a bit rich coming from you. You literally avoided me for weeks instead of and I quote. "not being a pussy and telling me to my face"  I'm just saying" Enzo shrugged.

Liam glared at him shaking his head. "Ok ok I get it" Liam glanced at his watch. "Oh Tobias should be dropping the kids of soon. We should get changed" Liam said getting up.

"Get changed for what?" Enzo questioned as he paused the movie at the credits. 

Liam turned to his husband crossing his arms. "We have a late lunch with your parents. Your mom called yesterday" 

Enzo nodded getting up. Liam had apparently already picked out an outfit for Enzo which wasn't unusual for the couple, so he didn't question. Is. "Are you sure this isn't too much?" Enzo asked looking between the two of them.

"Nope. You look handsome, as always" Liam said walking down the stairs where he could hear the kids chatting. Alex had taken the liberty of getting Ethan changed and made sure they had all packed their bags. 

"Alright, let's get going. Oh I actually forgot my office keys when I came to the club yesterday. So we need to stop by there and pick it up. On the way back of course" Liam said casually, as he buckled the seatbelt around him.

"Ok, anyone forget anything?" Enzo asked, and after getting a chorus of "no" he started the car and drove out of the driveway. When they arrived at Enzo's parents house. His mother was first to great all of them. Smothering all her grandchildren in hugs and kisses, and sparing Ethan a little.

They settled at the table, and she surely had cooked a lot. Alex had only come out to them a few months prior and they we're both as accepting as the whole family, even Elijah. Isaac and Elizabeth seemed less surprised, but equally as supportive. 

"hey dad, can we stay over with grandma?" Olivia asked as they cleaned up the utensils. Enzo gave her a questioning look then Liam who just shrugged and picked up a stack of plates. 

"Oh that would be lovely. We can drop them off after dinner" His father said standing beside Alex who beamed at Enzo.

He sighed. "Sure, since your papa is ok with it" Oliva cheered with a smile. After a few hours it was time to leave and Alex and Liam had gone to get something from the car. Soon after they had said their goodbyes and we're driving away.

"Wow. I've seen my own kids less today. What's up with that?" Enzo sighed, keeping his gaze on the road.

Liam just chuckled with a light shrug. "I have no idea. Oh remember to stop by the club, I need my keys"

By the time they had arrived at the club the sun had set. Enzo lazily followed behind his husband through the doors of the establishment. So he was definitely taken a back when he turned on the lights, and all his friends appeared out of nowhere shouting and popping confetti, and wishing him a happy birthday.

"Happy birthday my love" Liam chuckled at his surprised expression. 

"What? why? when did you plan all this?" he asked looking around.

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