Chapter 1

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"Ashton, hurry up! We're about to miss the bus!", my older brother yelled at me, trying to get me to leave.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" I yell back, frustrated.

We made it to the bus stop just in time. I made my way onto the crowded bus and sat in the nearest open seat, which of course is with the guy I hated so dearly, my bully, Andrew Long. Andrew has bullied me since sixth grade. He always made comments about how he thought I was fat and always told me to kill myself. Which I took into consideration a couple of times but my best friend Emily always talked me out of it.

After we arrived at the school I went straight to Emily in the parking lot next to her brand new black and white 2014 model mustang. GOD how I envied her sometimes. I caught up to Emily and jumped on her back. I did this every day so she knew that it was me.

"ASHTON, get off!You're going to break me!" She said half kidding and half serious, while panting.

After I got off of her back, she said that she had something very important to tell me. Of course as the usual best friend would do, I begged her to tell me what it was until she hit me (this is so normal for us). She told me that she would tell me in 3rd period which was our free period. I was very anxious to know.

When 3rd period came around, I met with her in the lunchroom.

"Ok, what I was going to tell you earlier in the parking lot it that my mom got me VIP tickets to digitour Jack and Jack and I needed someone to come with me." She said, in a jumble of words.

"Of course I want to go with you dude Jack and Jack are like MY LIFE!" I said excitedly.

"Cool because the tour for Birmingham is tomorrow."

"Dude you gave me no time to get me outfit ready!" I yelled.

It's ok wear my clothes, I'm the same size as you." She offered.

"Ok you better be glad that I love you Emily."

"Yeah sure You do but someone already holds that spot in my heart and I think you know who......Jack Johnson!"

Oh and did I mention that Emily is like literally in love with Jack Johnson? (Her obsession is real!) After our conversation we decided to get brunch. My brunch consisted of a piece of toast and an Apple.

After I had finished my "brunch", the bell rang and Emily and I went our desperate ways.

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