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"Narrowing it down, these are the two most likely locations the memory card could be hidden in. His family house or this unregistered apartment in the Bronx."

We all stared at the makeshift map the detective laid out on the table earlier on. Will thought a map was ridiculous. There were now two law enforcement guys on board and he completely hated it.

It was FBI (Eli), who took the initiative and contacted Detective Shaun a day after our meeting in the lot. Turns out the detective and his partner were assigned the case on Twain's death back in January when it happened but it was quickly ruled out as an accident. Then, Elise Lynette was killed and the same patterns somehow popped up. It eventually led him to FMG and now us.

As the days went by, the tension inevitably got thicker. FBI occasionally got information about Runo from his street sources. We were on even grounds at the moment but who knew how long that would be for? Who would get the memory card first?

Around a coffee table, in a building Will and Mark regularly used to hold meetings with the rest of their team, were FBI and Detective Shaun, then Will, Mark and I.

"Where's your bet on?" Mark asked.

"I can't say, it's a volatile case, it could be anywhere. We don't have many leads to work with." The detective answered then sighed, "I still don't feel comfortable letting civilians handle this too."

"We've been on this longer than you." William countered looking annoyed.

"So leave it, man." Mark crossed his arms.

"They'll be fine." FBI shrugged.

"If anything happens, we'll be responsible." Detective Shaun continued.

"Then let's make sure nothing happens partner." FBI patted the detective's shoulder. He didn't look any satisfied and was about to say more until I dove in.

"I think we should focus on finding the card first. That's paramount, don't you think?"

"I'm even more worried about the missy." He went on, totally ignoring my words.

"Don't be," I bristled and he drew back. There was stifled laughter from the others and I especially caught the smile on the corner of Will's lips before he turned away.

Mark clapped, "okay, Ophelia's right. We should focus on finding the card. FBI and I can go down to the family house, detective, you can go with Will and the missy to the apartment." He winked as he said 'missy'.

The detective took his car while Will and I were in his. It was a long drive made longer by the rush hour traffic. Fridays were usually busy at this hour. I got off work early using personal issues as my reason. Don't judge, it is personal.

"We are here."

My eyes darted out the window, viewing the building Twain Yanus had at some point in his life lived in.

"Hey," Will's warm hand covered mine.


"You've been wringing your fingers together for a while now." He smiled and gently separated them.

"I'm nervous, aren't you?"

"I can't exactly put a name to what I feel right now."

We exited the car and joined Detective Shaun who was already waiting for us at the entrance. We entered the building and found a receptionist sitting behind a long brown desk. She perked up noticing our trio.

"Good afternoon, I'm Detective Shaun," he raised his badge, "I'm from the NYPD. I'm— we are here to investigate a case. It's about a former resident of this building, Twain Yanus. He had an apartment leased, right?"

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