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My eyes felt burdened and I struggled to open them. I discovered it was a bigger struggle, keeping them open for longer than a second. I could hear voices overlapping above me; they sounded distant yet somehow I knew they weren't so far away. Another attempt at keeping my eyes open for a second more and it was a success. My lids painfully separated, allowing the bright overhead light to crowd my vision. When the contrast reduced, Mark was peering at me.

"She's awake!" He was saying to someone next to him.

I was moving but not actually moving. Like I was in a vehicle. It was probably an ambulance. The last few hours came rushing back in a way that made my head hurt.

"Will—" I murmured. He'd been laying in a pool of blood. His blood. Was he okay? Where was Runo? My heard hurt more and I winced.

"He'll be fine. Please check her, she's pregnant." Mark was saying before I went out of it again.

Regaining consciousness for the second time, I woke up in a hospital room. I could tell instantly because the smell of disinfectant and antibiotics made me more nauseous than my morning sickness did. I carefully tested the waters and opened both eyes. The first thing I saw was the bleached white ceiling then tilting my head a bit, a mop of blonde hair that shot up. Cece was beside me.

"You're awake! God, I've lost ten years of my life P."

I groaned attempting to sit up. My wrist started burning and there was a dull but pulsating pain behind my head. My body generally felt like it had been through a train wreck and more.

"Careful honey," Cece coaxed as she helped me up. The events of the day started returning. Going to Will's apartment, the emptiness, the stairs, the gunshots, Will and a lot of blood. I whimpered.

"You broke your wrist and you have a slight concussion. They did an ultrasound, the baby is fine."

I remembered falling on my wrist to protect my belly and hitting my head in the process. An image of Runo running his gun across my belly flashed through my mind and I was truly going to puke. My good wrist wrapped around my belly protectively. Thank God. If anything had happened...I couldn't even complete the thought. I breathed out but discerned everything wasn't okay. Runo's gun had ultimately shed blood. Will's own.

"What about Will?" I turned my panicked eyes to my sister.

"He's currently in the theatre room undergoing surgery." She confessed softly.

"Oh my God," Tears burned at the back of my eyes. I wanted to jump out of the bed and go to wherever he was. But the steadying hand Cece had on my wrist told me she wouldn't let me and the pipes connecting me to the IV told me it wouldn't be easy either.

"He's going to be alright P."

"Is that what the doctors say?"

"No," she admitted, "they say we should wait till the surgery is over but I know he'll be fine."

"What if he isn't? I want to go there." I started pulling at the wires attached to my other wrist.

"You can't go Ophelia." Mark walked into the room, passed a smile at Cece then stopped at the foot of my bed. "You're awake."

"Mark," My voice was small. He looked tired. His suit was rumpled and bags had formed under his eyes. I wondered if there was more they weren't telling me. All I could think of was Will, silently laying in a pool of blood. I wanted to leave this place now.

"He'll be out before we know it." He patted my foot. "How are you feeling?"


"Will will feel probably even worse once he's out." He said and I wanted to smile but couldn't. He didn't take offence.

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