05 | in a land down under pt. ii

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The entire image of Brendon waiting for me in the parking lot looks straight out of a movie.

After spending time in an industry full of people who grace magazine covers and makeup company campaigns, I thought being around pretty people would get easier at some point. While I'll never be able to stand next to some of these stars and feel adequate enough to be in their presence, at some point, it has to let up.

        But, watching Brendon lean against the hood of his car, I'm hit with the realization of how attractive he is. Not that I have ever been naive enough to deny such a simple fact.

        It's clear why so many people around the world adore him, and why they want to get to know him. His entire aura is laced with allure, and he invites attention as easily as a person needs oxygen to survive. And even if his charms are lost on me, I understand why an eager, anonymous soul on the internet would cling to his persona.

         His head slowly lifts as a smile blossoms upon his lips, like a sunflower finally opening up to the first sign of sunlight, and he lowers his phone into the pocket of his dark wash jeans.

        "Ready?" he asks, pushing off from his car.


        "Did you expect anything else?"

        "I'm not sure what I was expecting." When it comes to cars, I know nothing. But anything sleek catches my eye over flashier designs, and the car he's driving checks both of those boxes. "What is it?"

        I'm not sure why I ask. When he rattles off a name that includes numbers, of all things, I stare back at him.


        He shoves me toward the passenger door with his elbow. "Come on, just get in."

        I slide onto the cool, leather interior and a strange chill slithers down my spine. I'm so out of my element in this car that's nicer than any I've owned in my entire life—my 2017 Nissan Altima back home is extremely jealous—but as soon as he drops into the driver's side after closing my door behind me, all of it dissipates like it was never there to begin with.

        "You alright?" Brendon asks.


        "Just checking."

        "You haven't told me where we're going."

        "It's a surprise."

        Brendon shifts into gear and the car peels away from the curb. The only sound that passes between us at first is a gentle hum of some band playing from his car and the air blowing softly through the vents. The rest of the world seems to be cut off while we're inside the car, only a vision of Melbourne flashing past us and leaving as quickly as it comes.

        "Have you lived here all your life?" I ask to break the silence.

        He keeps his eyes on the road, but my attention drifts to the way his left hand grips the stick shift.

        "Born and raised. What about you?"

        "I have not lived in Australia my entire life, no."

        He lets out a soft chuckle that manages to fill the empty space around us. "I meant Hawaii."

        "Born and raised," I repeat. "We only moved to California after we signed. I would never have done it otherwise."

        "Really?" he laughs. "I like it up there. Everyone is so....friendly. Too friendly, sometimes."

        "It's fine in small doses but after a while, you just want to get the hell out of there."

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