08 | men don't get in for free

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Bruno's arm is stretched across my waist when I wake up.

I breathe in the faint odor of alcohol and sex still clinging to the air from last night. I'm careful not to disturb him as I slip out from under the sheets. His hotel is nicer than ours, which isn't a surprise since he's one of the top drivers in the sport. Not that I'm complaining about our rooms.

A splash of icy water on my face rouses me awake. My muscles are tender, but I'm not about to ask the man outside to help massage the pain out, so I settle for taking a hot shower. Spotting an empty condom packet in the trash brings a sigh of relief.

By the time I exit the bathroom wearing some of Bruno's casual clothes, he's already sitting up in bed and flipping through the room service menu.

He glances over as I emerge with a cloud of steam trailing behind me and a plush white towel wrapped around my head. "Breakfast?"

"This is preventing my getaway."

"I'm a little offended you'd think I'd kick you out."

"I wasn't assuming anything. I tend not to stay long."

Bruno glances back down at the menu. "Just offering. Won't be offended if you leave."

Deciding I am better off accepting his offer than retreating back to my hotel on an empty stomach, I toss the towel onto an armchair and jump back onto the bed. The scent of his body wash dominates the room, helping camouflage the reminders of last night.

While we wait for our food, Bruno busies himself with picking up around the hotel room in preparation for leaving this afternoon. With only a handful of races left, one of which is next weekend, he has no time to relax. I, on the other hand, don't leave until tomorrow evening so I recline on the bed.

"What's left on the calendar?" I ask.

A dirty shirt flies across the room and lands perfectly inside the suitcase. "Mexico. Then Brazil and Abu Dhabi for the finale."

"How optimistic are you?"

"I'm optimistic in myself. The rest is all—" he waves his hand, "—nonsense and out of my control."

"Care to elaborate?"

        "Questionable stewards' decisions. Problems with the car. Team members not pulling their weight."

"Seems like you're placing a lot of that blame on other people."

"I know where my mistakes are and aren't."

Deciding this isn't a bear I want to poke, I rest my cheek against the palm of my hand. "What's your favorite track?"

"Monza," he replies quickly. "Forza's favorite track. It's fast."

"I think Bash might have told me once his favorite is Monaco. You know, besides here."

"He would."


"I'm not sharing any of them with Bash's girl."

"I'm my own person, thank you very much." I roll my eyes. "But, believe it or not, Bash and I don't spend a lot of time talking about F1 or other drivers' opinions."

"It's hard to overtake in Monaco and that's the fun part of racing." It's an easy way out, but the explanation will suffice. "But that's funny."


"All he ever talks about with us is F1." Bruno briefly adjourns to the bathrooms to collect his items. "He doesn't share what he does off the track except to a few of the guys."

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