Chapter Six

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(Picture of Sarah)

Kristen's POV

My shoulders trembled as I sat on the bed. Despite that I'd never had a real home, I felt utterly homesick. I'd rather be back with my "family" than staying here with my kidnapper. My eyes brimmed with tears again and I held my breath, praying for them to disappear.

I looked up as I heard someone knock on the front door. Emanuel stepped towards me, stretching his arm towards me, making me lean back. He furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed my hand, quickly but gently pulling me up on my feet.

"C'mon," His voice was so soft. For some reason, my heart lovingly ached, as if it wanted him closer. I took a deep breath, shaking the feeling off.

He dragged me down the stairs and towards the front door. His hand brushed out mine, leaving me standing in the middle of the room. The knocking continued and Emanual pressed the door handle down. Who was it? I instantly thought of the stories about human trafficking; girls being kidnapped and sold as slaves. Was this going to happen to me?

He pulled the door open and I started backing away. I was surprised to see the door revealing a girl, around the same age as me. Her skin was a warm, light brown and her dark hair was aesthetically draped across her shoulder. She smiled and wrapped her arm around Emanual, embracing him in a half-hug.

"Sarah, this is my ma- friend." He motioned towards me with his hand. "She's, umm, innocent, so..." his voice drifted to stop and he scratched the back of his neck. Innocent? What did he mean by that? Annoyance began rising in me; I was not his friend.

"Okay, I'll be back in around two hours." His eyes kept searching for mine, and a sad smile appeared on his face. After closing the front door behind him, the girl I assumed was named Sarah greeted me with a smile.

"What's your name?" Her voice was soft as silk and she walked past me, towards what looked like the kitchen. I didn't make a sound at first, my eyes following her. Realising nobody was watching me at that moment, my head snapped to the front door. Maybe this was my chance? I could walk out of this door, and leave this strange place. But my feet were like glued to the floor. I tried counting down from three, telling myself to walk when I came to one. My feet wouldn't move. I couldn't make myself walk out of this door. I ended up completely frozen, my gaze locked on the door.

"Are you alright?" She sounded concerned. I turned my head, seeing her leant against the doorway.

"Why don't you come to the kitchen? I'm sure you'd like someone to talk to."

I slowly nodded and walked to the kitchen. Only glancing back at the door once, she led me to the kitchen. It was as luxurious and tasteful as the rest of the house, white cabinets and black countertops. Some bar stools were placed along a kitchen island, which she pushed me towards, making me sit.

"Hungry?" She asked as she opened the fridge, digging her hand inside. I didn't get a chance to eat at the small diner, which my stomach growls proved. I nodded again but realised she couldn't see me. Softly, I spoke: "Yes,"

"Oh, so she does talk." Turning around, she grins at me, before pulling out an egg tray. I blushed, looking down at my lap.

A plate of scrambled eggs was pushed in front of me, and I looked up, my gaze meeting hers.

"This is about all I can make, sorry about that." A chuckle left her lips and I tried to smile politely.

"No, it's fine." My words came out as I mumble, which I instantly regretted.

The room was nearly silent, the only sounds were my knife and fork clinking against the plate.

"So, how did you and Emanual meet?" Her body leant over the counter, eyes watching me, as she asked me. I quickly set down the fork and swallowed the eggs. I widened my eyes at her. She didn't know. She didn't know he had kidnapped me and I actually didn't want to be here. A small ball of hope settled in my stomach as I figured she might help me if I told her. My explanation had to be careful and solid, so she would take my side of this.

"I was at a diner, when I saw him. He was staring at me, and suddenly he was in front of me. I tried to run, but he got to me. Told me I was his and grabbed me." I stopped to breathe. Tears were close to starting forming in my eyes again. But I continued: "He kidnapped me and dragged me to this place."

I raised my head again, and my eyes studied hers, trying to read her face. Her mouth was slightly opened in a surprised expression, lines showing on her forehead, created by her lifted eyebrows.

"Please, I need your help. I can't be here. I don't want to be here!" My voice cracked and I felt a tear escape my eye. Her eyes were filled with surprise. I watched her hurry around the island, embracing me in a warm hug. Suddenly, I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop the tears running, soaking her shirt. I couldn't stop sob after sob erupting from my lips. I was hugging a complete stranger, but I was in deep need of comfort. My arms wrapped around her neck and I buried my face in her shoulder.

"Oh, honey," she softly spoke, her words comforting me slightly. My sobs began to come to an end, slowly getting quieter after each sob.

After I calmed down, she took my hand and guided me to the living room. A big grey couch with blue pillows was situated in front of a big flatscreen. Sarah pulled me to the couch and gently pushed me down to sit.

"Can you please stay here? I will be back in 15 minutes, I promise." She left shortly after, closing the door to the kitchen, leaving me on the couch with a light blue pillow pressed against my stomach.

Not long after I heard her voice coming from the kitchen.

"Emanual, are you fucking kidding me?!" I quickly sneaked closer to the door, hoping my footsteps weren't audible. Leaning against the wall, I listened through the gap between the door and the wall.

"You can't do that! She's your mate, not some toy you found on the street." Silence filled the space for some time before she continued.

"No, it's too late, I know. But it's still wrong. So so wrong... When are you coming home? You need to explain this to her, or she'll think you're some serial killer." She said goodbye and ended the call, the cue for me to sneak back to the couch.

What was she talking about? What did she mean by mate? And who was she talking about. The questions drowned my mind as she came back in the living room. Sitting beside me, she turned on the television without making a sound.


Hey my lovelies!

Hope you liked this chapter! if you did, please,


-Micah xx

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