Chapter 24

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Mornings in the throne room used to be for petitioners with grievances who would come to plead their case to the rulers of the country. For centuries, those rulers would hear the case and make decisions based on the merit of those who had the dispute. But since Hudd had come to power, the decisions became based on whoever bribed him the most. Soon, the common citizens stopped pleading their cases, and the mornings instead became discussions with his most loyal noble and military supporters to determine how to make the money that the kingdom so desperately needed. These meetings were moved to the council room, which was right next to the throne room, as it had a long table if maps or food were to be served during the meeting. The smaller size also made it easier to hear for the older king. There were two thrones on a small dais at the end of the table, and a large fireplace on the wall to lend heat in the cold winters. On a chilly morning like this, a roaring fire was going while King Hudd sat on one of the thrones.

Turning people into slaves to make gold had worked for a few years, but now there were few people left and the town around the castle was mostly empty. Citizens along the northern coast had already rebelled twice and the military was spread thin trying to prevent a third uprising. All because he could never open the damned royal vault. The worst thing was, Hudd knew exactly where it was, it wasn't hidden. The problem was that he assumed it would be easy to open, and he had killed the king and queen before having them show him how to do it.

His own vault in Winterhaven had been dried up when he offered to marry Inez, and he hoped to have access to the riches of Appalya to stockpile the goods he desired. But there was no key. In fact, there wasn't even a keyhole, just a huge stone door with a rough spot the size of his fist next to a handle. Magic seemed to be absorbed by the door, and even enchanted tools bounced right off it. Without the key, there would be no gold.

So, while marrying and bedding Inez would be wonderful after all these years, the gold would be the best part of it.

"King Hudd, I fear I'm going to have to leave the castle until matters with Princess Inez are settled," stated a dark-haired man with a goatee as he bowed low.

Hudd's face turned so red with rage that the rest of his advisors thought his head might burst. "Ilin, I have made Clan Akopa thousands of golds over the years, given you a new supply of slaves that you'd never dreamed of, and now when things get a little difficult, you're ready to leave?" he bellowed.

Ilin's face twisted into a little smirk. The gold had been nice, but he only loved his gold if he could spend it. "Yes, sire that is correct. The princess already took over Tefra, slaughtering most of my relatives and clan. I have little doubt of what she'll do to me when she gets here. I have no desire to become a corpse when she arrives."

The doors to the throne room burst open, startling them all, and revealed Captain Kaspar looking very out of breath. "King Hudd, she is here!"

"What? Already? I thought they were camping for the night?" Hudd exclaimed, standing up with alarm.

"They must have broken camp and rode through the night after setting up their tents, sire. I believe they're already in the palace," Kaspar explained.

"Indeed, we are." Princess Inez strode into the room, pushing Prince Joppa ahead of her till he stumbled and fell sprawling onto the floor. The guards with her fanned out, with weapons drawn, blocking the exit to the room. "My darling husband! It is so good to see you after all these years." Inez walked calmly across the room, her hand on the hilt of her blade in case anyone tried to block her. Walking up next to Hudd, she took a seat on the dusty throne next to the one he had been sitting in.

"Wha... What are you doing?" Hudd stammered.

"I'm taking my rightful place as Queen next to my husband, the King," Inez told him. "We have to discuss the treachery your son proposed though. It seems he wanted me to ride here and kill you, so that he could marry me once I was a widow. All that after I captured Tefra as a wedding present for you."

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