Chapter 30

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"Are you nervous?" Katja asked.

               Medya picked at some imaginary lint on the stunning golden dress that she wore. Unlike Inez's old one, this was just dyed a golden color, and not made of gold. It was an off the shoulder cut and fit her slim figure like a glove but flared out at the knees to let her walk easier. She and Inez had tried to invest more into the country than their own vanity, so while they were having a state wedding, it wasn't going to cost enough to fund a military campaign. "I'm terrified. I can't tell you how scared I am. I never once thought when I as younger that I'd meet anyone that I'd want to marry, let alone that would want to marry me too. Oh, and she's about to be a queen!" They were sitting in a makeshift lounge outside the throne room, awaiting the festivities, and Medya was afraid she was going to sweat through her dress.

               "Hey!" Katja pulled her into a hug. "You're about to be a queen too! She loves you so much, you can tell just by the way she looks at you every time you're near her. This is what you both deserve."

               Deep inside, Medya knew she was right. Inez loved her. Medya loved Inez. The moment to show the world that love was at hand, and yet it was still so hard to believe. "She's really going to be mine." She murmured.

               Katja covered her mouth as she snorted out a laugh. "Don't be silly! She has been yours since before you met me! This is just going to make it official. The first night I spent with you, I had thought you were already married, so I've been waiting ever since then for this."

               "I'm glad you had faith in us, and gave us a few pushes," Medya admitted. She knew that her insecurities would have never let her make any sort of a move without those nudges.

               "Of course!" Katja finally released Medya. "I wanted you as happy as you had both made me. You have changed my life so much for the better, it was the least I could do."

               The door to the room opened, and Noa stuck her head in, her red hair done in an elaborate updo with tiny flowers adorning it. "She's ready! As soon as the music starts, you go first. I'll see you there!"

               "This is it!" Katja squealed, gently lowering the golden veil over Medya's face.

               Medya almost jumped when she heard the music started outside the room, but Katja just hopped excitedly, while grabbing her hand. "Come on!" she said excitedly, pulling Medya out of the room.

               When they stepped out into the hall, they paused to gather themselves. Over the past week, the hall had been transformed from barren into beautiful. Tapestries had been transferred from the royal vault to give it color, while a thorough cleaning made everything almost shine like new. Taking a deep breath, Medya nodded to Katja, and they set off for the main hall. A pair of smiling guards stood by the door and opened it as they approached. Medya kept her eyes fixed forward, afraid to look at the crowd that she knew was gathered to watch her. She was able to make it to the dais and stepped up into her assigned place while Katja stood by her side after giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. It took a few more deep breaths to calm her shaking hands, but nothing would stop her heart from beating out of control.

               The music continued, and Medya watched Liana and Noa walk down the aisle together, both smiling widely at her and helping to relieve her tension. When the pair reached her, Noa stood next to Katja, while Liana moved to the other side to where Inez would shortly be.

               At the thought of her, she appeared, and Medya stopped breathing at the sight. Her dress was a sheer silver to match the theme with Medya's gold and clung to her skin like a lover. She moved gracefully down to Medya, her hand in Nahmia's who was presenting her for marriage. Nothing in the room mattered to Medya anymore. Her sole focus was on Inez, and she could see her glittering blue eyes and soft smile through the veils that separated them. She was conscious of the priest speaking, but words held no meaning to her.

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