Chapter 1

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It was peaceful.

After almost five years of battling, the war has finally come to an end, and peace was eventually returned to them.

The sound of glasses clinking with hushed laughter and whispers muffled by the soft music in the background can be heard across the hall, where the royal banquet is held, One of the castles that Alberu owns here in the Roan Kingdom.

It was the celebration of Alberu Crossman, the newly crowned king, and for the heroes who had succeeded in defeating the white star.

But in the far side of the corner, stood a raven-haired man with matching pitch-black eyes with only one way to describe it, dark and cold. Wearing a black tux with golden embroidery, different from his everyday attire, and a sword attached to his hips while keeping a stoic face, making the others hesitant on whether to approach him or not.

Although it was obvious that he was very eye-catching, enough for the noblewomen to keep stealing glances of him, with flustered faces every time they did.

But he chose to stay oblivious from it, instead of feeling flattered, he was quite annoyed by the attention and their strong smell of perfume that lingers on his nose. He suppressed a grimace.

Choi han would very much prefer to spend his time on training and sparring with the Molan duo or Lock than to spend the night on entertaining these disgusting nobles, who did nothing but hide behind their guards and their expensive tall gates during the war, well except Taylor and of course his Majesty, King Alberu who he swore to protect and his undying loyalty.

Even though the war has ended, he can't have the time to enjoy this tranquility, he still hasn't felt assured as they haven't managed in killing every one of them, some of the white star's minions have managed to escape and were able to hide before they got to them.

He unconsciously closed his fist, and stared to the ground, hiding his eyes that show so much killing intent.

He remembered the harris village that burned down, killing everyone in it. His companions and the innocent people who died because of them.

A hand on his shoulder interrupted his train of thoughts, He slowly look up only to see Rosalyn. Unlike the noblewomen who wore long gowns and big skirts with fur and extravagant necklaces and rings, she wore a simple pleated black dress with a matching vest and only small earrings for her jewelry.

"Snap out of it, you wouldn't want to scare the nobles, am I right?" she whispered and slowly retracted her hand. He didn't realize he almost released his aura. He clicked his tongue but didn't say anything, knowing he's in the wrong.

Even though he doesn't give a shit what the nobles would think, he still respected His Highness, enough to not cause a scene. Especially he had promised them that he would try his best in controlling his emotion.

Rosalyn crossed her arms on her chest as she went to stand beside him. they both stared at the sea of nobles who's busy chattering around, smiling as if the war had never happened.

Then again, they have never really experienced it. When people grieved for the loss of their loved ones, they are busy crying about their loss of income or destroyed properties, worried that they would be less wealthy than they were before.

A few minutes have passed before Rosalyn started to speak, breaking the silence between them.

"What are you doing here in the corner? Shouldn't you stand beside his Majesty?" Her eyes flickered at the other side of the hall, Choi han, who had regained his composure, followed her gaze.

The image of Alberu with a golden crown that seems to be made only for him with his blond hair and blue eyes complimenting it.

He is surrounded by nobles, who before ignored him when he was still the least favorite child among his sibling and the most unlikely to inherit the throne despite being the eldest and having the title of the crown prince, are now wanting to earn his favor with their shameless tactics.

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