Chapter 13

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[ Cale was sitting on a chair, opposite of him was a small desk.

He knitted his brows in concentration as he wrote on a sheet of paper, two faint shadows were evident under his eyes, he looked like he hadn't rested well.

Countless crumpled paper balls were scattered on his desk, as well as on the floor.

Just as when he was about to finish, red warm liquid flowed down from his nose, staining the paper.

He quickly took out a small handkerchief from his pocket and place it against his nose. ]

His exhausted appearance at this moment made their heart soften and unconsciously frowned.

It was clear to everyone how bad a state his body was in, they felt ashamed that they were all oblivious of it and even grew dependent on him.

While the others began to carefully observe the place.

The room was equipped with a thick gray carpet on the floorboards and a small desk with a chair. Dark shelves that were filled with books, files, and towering piles of newspapers were on the opposite wall.

Except for the lack of furniture and the furnishings being old, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

However, when looking up at the ceiling, a map that was meticulously drawn was affixed to the ceiling.

It was huge enough to cover the entire ceiling.

Seeing it closely, this map contained even the most hidden routes and places that were not disclosed in public, not one small detail was missing from it.

Tasha squinted her eyes, she wasn't mistaken.

In the Dessert of the Caro kingdom and also considered as one of the Five forbidden Region, a City of Death, Dark Elves were written.

She didn't know what to feel at the moment.

In order to know every corner of the continent, Cale has to familiarise himself first with the terrain, but it takes a lot of time, years even.

But Cale has achieved that in a span of two years.

The scene was again replaced by another.

[ Cale swept his eyes through the entire street.

Plenty of small stalls were set up and were packed with a lot of people, many were coming and going out of the shops, and some were chatting by the roadside.

He even spotted an old man sitting on the pavement, holding an instrument, his fingers were plucking on the strings, attracting many passersby as the pleasing melody reached their ears.

A little girl, who wore her hair in two ponytails and was dressed in pink clothes bumped into him, dropping her doll in the process. Cale bent down and picked up the doll and was about to give it to her. ]

But when Cale lifted his eyes, the next scene made them frozen, chills slowly rose from their soles, their expression paling immediately.

It was so quiet that only their breaths and heartbeats can be heard.

As though the scene they have previously seen, was just an illusion.

[ In the blink of an eye the harmonious and lively place became a bloody battlefield.

Everything was in a mess, toppling homes, even the big signage that used to welcome people was barely hanging on.

Corpses were all over the ground, blood ran everywhere. Panicked screams and hurried footsteps can be heard while decaying air permeated the place.

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