Chapter 4 (Steven) (Edited)

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 *****Edited by krisgee*****

 2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 4 (Steven)

            Seething mad, I stomped down the hall intent on getting the hell out of this school and away from her brother before I did something that we would all regret.  I wanted to hit her brother like I had never wanted to hit anyone else in my life.  That blue eyed beauty standing behind him was my mate.  I could smell her and her scent was driving me crazy.  To top it off her brother was standing in front of her, purposefully shielding my mate from my view.  A threatening growl rumbled in my chest. It was I that should decide what was best for the both of us, not her brother.

            I pushed the door open with such a force that it flew back and banged against the building with a large thud.  Stepping outside I inhaled the fall air and let it cool me down.  I needed a run.  I needed to release some of that pent up energy and run my ass off until I was too tired to think about her and those dame angelic blue eyes.

            Looking out I noticed the tree line just beyond the school and knew that would be the perfect place to let my wolf out.  I set off at a light jog for the forest, already feeling a little better at just the idea of an invigorating run.  

            Once I was sure that I was shielded by the trees I stripped out of my clothes and let the warm sunlight bathe my body.  The feel of the grass on my bare feet caused my lips to curl into a slight smile.  Satisfied that I was one with my beast I let the change overtake me.  I lunged forward and let my instincts take over.  I ran through the forest, familiarizing myself with the new surroundings.  The forest was always so much more beautiful when I was in my wolf form and all of my senses were heightened.  Ten minutes into my run and I could already feel the anger dissipating.

            I came up on a creek and lapped greedily at the water when it hit me.  I lifted my snout to the air and caught the extraordinary scent again.  My blue eyed beauty.  Confusion hit me once I realized that my mate was near.  She was supposed to be in class, not out here in the woods.  Going off of instinct alone I followed the scent to see the most beautiful grey wolf with a bluish tint sitting lazily on the other side of the creek.

            I couldn’t stop myself.  I crossed the creek and stood before her.  She lifted those blue eyes to lock with mine and I knew then that I was a goner.  I would do anything for this female.  I slowly stalked forward so that we were only a breath apart.  I didn’t want to scare her off, so I lowered myself to the ground.  We were sitting in front of each other, eyeing one another carefully. 

            After sitting there for several moments she lowered her head back down to her paws and closed her eyes.  My blue eyed beauty looked upset and that didn’t sit very well with me at all.  I wanted to see her smile and to be happy. 

            I scooted myself forward and licked at her paw.  She jerked her head up and glared at me.  I smiled internally at her reaction and did it again.  This time she jumped to her feet and stood in a fighting stance.  That’s my girl, I thought to myself.  At least she didn’t look so sad anymore.  I jumped to my feet and faced off with her.   “Come on princess, let’s play.” I mentally pushed the thought to her.

            I saw the way she cocked her head and knew that she heard my thought.  Well, that confirms it then.  She is most definitely my mate because only your true mate can hear your thoughts.

            Instead of responding my little spit fire turned and bounded off into the woods.  Now she really shouldn’t have done that, I thought to myself with exhilaration burning in my gut. 

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