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Lmao I'm writing this while I'm in my uni lecture.

Clara hummed softly to herself while she organized Victor's papers on his desk so it'd be easier for him to focus. She made a few mental notes to tell him as well, knowing it could probably help with the situations mentioned on the papers.

Victor walked out from behind his changing screen with a new shirt in place of the one where Clara had accidentally splashed with water.

Whether it was actually an accident or not, we may never know.

Clara noticed a distressed frown on his lips, and she furrowed her eyebrows, silently debating if it was proper to ask him what had him so down. Finally deciding that she'd rather have a happy Victor than be polite, she walked over to him. After the banquet, she had a newfound respect for him. She lifted her hand and softly smoothed out the crease in between his eyebrows with her thumb. Victor's eyes shot up to hers, widening in surprise. His chest tightened as he looked into her deep brown eyes. He didn't notice himself leaning into her touch, finding comfort in the warmth of her skin.

"You don't want wrinkles so soon in life." she smiled softly, hoping it lifted some of the weight. "What's got you so stressed?"

He let out a shaky breath when Clara removed her hand, letting it fall back to her side. He averted his gaze, feeling overwhelmed by her action.

His mother used to do the same thing whenever he was sad or angry.

"Nothing-" he rolled his eyes at the unamused look she gave him, as if she were telling him to tell the truth. "Hugo hasn't replied to any of my letters."

Clara found herself mirroring his frown and she backed away, feeling guilt seep through her. It was her fault that their friendship now had cracks in it. 

"I'm sorry." her voice was small, something Victor never heard.

His eyes softened, seeing her look so regretful, looking down and avoiding his gaze. For once, she didn't stand with her head held high in confidence, instead she seemed to want to crawl into a hole and hide.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked.

"It's my fault he's angry with you." she spoke with sadness. "I shouldn't have-"

"You had every right to confront him." Victor stated with a firm voice, the same one he used as a prince to prove his power and authority. "What he did was wrong, and I would never let anyone lay a hand on you."

His face paled when he realized what he said, so he quickly added: "Or any woman."

Pink dusted Clara's cheeks and a smile graced her soft lips. But then another thought crossed her mind.

"How come you believed me over your friend?" she asked.

"I've spent enough time with you to know you never say anything without reason." he sent her a playful smile.

"Oh so you admit I'm right whenever you annoy me?" she chuckled, her head held high once more as she matched Victor's wit.

"I have to have fun somehow, don't I?" he smiled and shrugged, going to sit by his desk.

"Making my life hell is fun now, is it?" she laughed in disbelief.

"Oh please," his laughter got louder. "it's not like you don't make mine any easier."


The air was light again, and smiles were present on both their faces.

"I've been meaning to ask," Victor started, watching his maidservant move around the room to do her chores. "how did you end up being Edwin's ward?"

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