Chapter 9: "A Fated Encounter"

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"Lucas! Welcome back to school!" Yuna greeted Lucas who came into the classroom. Lucas replies with a sheepish smile and waved. Originally, Eve and Lucas weren't supposed to be close with one another, but Yuna took it upon herself to get closer to Lucas, who was one of her favorite characters.

Lucas was absent for a few days due to recovering, but now he's back. Emma and Yuna approach Lucas. "How are you?"

"Good." Lucas answers, his tone brimming in relief. His complexion looks better as well. Overall, Lucas is in good condition.

"Lucas, hang out with us after school today." Emma says, "Let's go to the arcade!"

"Nice idea, Em! Come with us Lucas!"


Needless to say, Lucas had brighter days to come. He didn't expect Eve to suddenly approach him since he was always in the background. Eve also took interest in Lucas's writing, which was his hobby. He writes short stories in his free time and it's one of the reasons why Eve took notice. Unbeknownst to Lucas, it was more than just that.


Vincent wore a face mask as he entered a small apartment room. He stretched his nitrile gloves for a bit and his eyes scanned all over the small room. It was so small that it could barely fit more than seven people.

It was also a huge mess.

Clothes scattered on the wooden floor, crumpled pieces of paper, glass shards from alcohol bottles, food packaging, and used plastic utensils. Vincent had to carefully navigate his way through the clutter to not disturb the scene.

The main scene however is a little further.

A few minutes ago, a delivery man was doing his job to deliver a package to this room. Nobody answered him when he rang the doorbell or called for the receiver, but he noticed that the door was unlocked. He peeked inside and what he saw had him scrambling for his phone to call the police.

Vincent and his partner, Scarlett, were preoccupied with their current case, however, this could be related to the organization so Vincent volunteered to check out the crime scene himself. And here he was, standing in front of a corpse that was slumped over an unkempt desk. It was a woman with messy dark hair and her body was facing up, her back on the desk.

Looking around for a moment, he noticed an acoustic guitar and several musical pieces. The window was wide open, the curtains pushed away which gave the room its only illumination. After the crew finished taking photos, Vincent was free to examine the scene.

He moves closer to the woman's body, noticing the complete surprise on her face. Vincent moved her head a bit to notice a long cut on her throat. No wonder the room was so bloody...Vincent moves away and reimagines the scene based on his current theory.

The woman stood here.

He moves a little farther from the table.

And she was suddenly attacked. Her body moves back and falls, hitting the desk.

"It's the same method. A slash on the throat." Just like James Miller.

We need to find out if she has taken the drug.


However, Vincent had this strange and heavy feeling inside his heart. He examined the scene once again, rechecking if he had missed anything important on the body but nothing was amiss. So why did he feel like something was lacking? Something was wrong with this case, it felt more complicated than James Miller's, but these were just Vincent's gut instincts talking.

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