Chapter 12: Rescue Mission

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Note: This is a triple update so go to Chapter 11! I'll delete this after a few days! Thank you!


"Vincent, I need you to listen to me."

Akio said as he put on his seat-belt. Vincent observes him silently, starting the engine of his car with ease.

Akio had thought this choice out within a few minutes, but it was the only way to save Scarlett as soon as they could. With consequences in mind, he made his final decision and swore to see this through to the end. His goal is to minimize the damage, or prevent any damage from happening if possible. For now, he had mentally and physically prepared himself for what's to come.

"All I ask is that you trust me, follow me, ask questions later and focus on rescuing Scarlett, do you understand?"

"...Understood." Vincent answers.

"..." Akio looked Vincent in the eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath.

There's no going back now.

"Go to the abandoned railway station in the south. There's a warehouse facility there." Akio revealed, "Scarlett is there."

"..." Without saying anything, Vincent stepped on the gas pedal. As Vincent drove past several cars, turning and going through shortcuts, Akio thought about his decision. He had no regrets, this was to save lives after all. Akio just prays that they're able to make it before any damage can be done.

"Vincent, I will call for backup." Akio adds, "If we get caught, they'll move to a new location immediately."

"Victims? There are others?"

"Yes...We're going to one of the places the traffickers use as room."

Vincent says nothing, but casts his phone on Akio's lap.

Akio picks it up, "Password..."

"178374" Vincent quickly replies with a series of digits. Akio unlocks his phone and goes through his contacts, knowing exactly who to call to get backup on the spot, immediately. He puts it on speaker, letting the sound of calling fill their silence.




"Chief." Vincent was the one to answer. Akio looks at him, confused for a moment, but realizing why soon enough afterwards. He lets Vincent carry on. "I'm requesting for backup. I found the location where the traffickers hold the victims. Send backup to Golden Pine Railway Station right away, however do not engage with the target without my orders, over."

"Roger that."

"End it." Vincent whispers and Akio taps the red button.

"...Thank you." Akio says quietly.

"No need. If you talked, it would cause more trouble."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." Vincent says.



"Why did you quit?" Vincent breaks the silence.


"Right, questions after." Vincent breathes out, a hint of frustration. He was clearly dying for answers.

...Right. Vincent's question got Akio thinking and asking the question to himself. Why did I quit? He recalls his answer. It was because he was definitely not second male lead material. No, more than that. He wasn't cut out for the force, he wasn't cut out for being detectives like them or fighting crime. He lacked so many things.

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