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Dear Jenny,

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Dear Jenny,

        Wine tasting is something you would absolutely hate! It's a lot of standing around and listening to some dude drawl on about fruity notes and oaky undertones. Anna and I have been told off on numerous occasions for laughing too much. But, honestly, what do they expect when they're feeding us unlimited amounts of alcohol?

"I detect a hint of grape," teases Anna, only slightly drunk.

"Hmm, yes, and alcohol," I reply, sticking my nose further into the glass.

We both giggle and receive filthy looks from the tour guide and a few other tourists who seem to be taking their time here way more seriously.

"Glad to see someone's having fun on this bore-fest," says a guy roughly our age.

He has a British accent and a mighty fine face.

Did I just say mighty fine?

Christ—I must be drunk!

"Get drunk," informs Anna. "It's the only way."

He raises his glass, seemingly onboard with the idea. I know I should invite him to sit with us. This guy would be perfect for Anna's first kiss. He's good looking, he's British and—given by the way he can't stop staring at her—I can tell he's interested. But I don't want to. I want her all to myself.

"Mind if we join you?"


He nods, gesturing to a gorgeous woman behind him.

Thank fuck—he taken!

"My sister."


"Sure," replies Anna, smiling to her glass.

The pair take their positions and introduce themselves shortly after.

"I'm Aaron. This is my sister, Chloe."

Anna smiles, politely.

"Are you guys travelling Europe too?" she asks.

Chloe nods. "Yeah. A birthday gift from our parents."

Wow—that's some parents they have.

"Are you a couple?" questions Chloe, certainly not beating around the bush.

Anna giggles. "No. We're just travel companions."

Arron seems awfully pleased by this news. Chloe too, if her hungry gaze on mine is anything to go by.

"Mind if we tag along?" he asks. "Wine tasting isn't really our thing, and you two look like you're having way more fun than us."

The word no is on the tip of my tongue, then I remember Anna and our plan to find her the perfect first kiss. Aaron really does tick all the boxes.

So why do I feel so damn jealous?

"Of course," replies Anna, extending her kind smile towards Chloe.

Christian—our tour guide—moves us along to the next section of our guide and without realising it, Aaron and Chloe break us away.

"Let's ditch!" suggests Chloe, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I get the feeling she's somewhat of a rebel back home. You know the type—Jenny? Rich parents. No consequences.

"Follow us!"

We head down a gravel path and I notice Aaron leading Anna off towards the left.

"Relax. Aaron's a nice guy," assures Chloe. "He's getting over a pretty serious breakup, and I convinced him talking to your friend would help him move on."

"So, he has bad intentions?" I ask.

She winks. "Don't we all?"

I laugh, enjoying her recklessness.

"What's your story then?" I enquire, figuring she has one. "Are you getting over a recent breakup?"

She smirks. "I don't do breakups because I don't do boyfriends."

Wise choice.

"What about you? I sense a little heartbreak," she shares.

Ain't that the truth.

"You could say that."

"Did she cheat?"

"No, she died."

Shit—I made things awkward.

"I'm so sorry," she says. "That's... awful."

I shrug.

"How long ago?"


She nods. "And the girl?"

"Anna. She was Jen's best friend."

"You like her," she acknowledges.

I don't bother denying it.

"You know what you need?"


That mischievous glint reappears. "A distraction."

With that said, she presses her lips to mine and wraps her arms around my neck. At first, I'm a little disorientated. Taken by surprise. I barely know this woman and yet here she is, sticking her tongue down my throat. I'm seconds away from pulling back when I imagine Anna kissing Aaron. I picture her with her fingers running through his perfect fucking blonde hair and before I know it, I'm pulling Chloe closer to me. Maybe she's right? Perhaps I do need a distraction.

A distraction from you, Jenny.

A distraction from Anna.

Her lips are soft against mine and I'd be lying if I said kissing her didn't bring me pleasure. But it's not Chloe I'm imagining.

It's not even you, Jenny.

It's Anna.

Has it always been Anna?

The more I think about her, the more carried away I get. I press into her body and moan my delight as her chest comes into contact with mine.


In my mind, she's wearing the same white bra as the other night and I swear I almost take her there and then.


Chloe's moans of pleasure drag me from my fantasy. I pull back instantly, utterly disgusted with my behaviour.

"Sorry—I can't do this. I can't—"


What have I done?

I'm so sorry, Jenny.

I should never have kissed this stranger. Not only is it not fair to you and your legacy, it's not fair on Chloe. I wasn't even thinking about her.

I'm a bastard.

A fucking bastard.

Forgive me, Jenny.

I made a mistake.

I love you, always.


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