Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jade Cooper wasn't exactly sure what she had gotten herself into. "You're going the wrong way!" Esme yelled at Emma, who was driving on the highway.

"Are you sure?" Emma panicked as they were near the hospital, which neither exactly knew how on earth to get to Uden Academy.

"It's north. Wait, we are north, right?" Esme rambled, looking around the car only to see guidebooks, tissues, and a country music CD.

"Do not play that, or I'll throw it out the window," Jade stated, because she hated country music.

Esme frowned at her as Jade drove with two girls who weren't good with directions. It didn't help that she didn't know Simcoe well, since she wasn't originally from it.

"Okay, I'll turn around," Emma said, doing a full circle turn, driving normally on the highway.

At least Emma didn't speed or zigzag down the highway. The only thing she was terrible at would be directions.

"I think we should just go east. It's not exactly near the highway," Emma said, her lips pressed together.

They headed east, but Emma's driving wasn't exactly east. "There's a lot less on security," Esme said, her face pressed against the window. Now that Jade noticed, there weren't as many.

"Most don't guard the highway anymore," Emma stated.

With a sunny sky, the temperature was neither hot nor cold. It was just neutral with the slight white clouds, which seemed like a facade.

"Woah, Emma! I didn't know you had your ears pierced!" Esme exclaimed, spotting Emma's ear with a small golden stud.

"I got them when I was a baby," Emma said.

"I'm supposed to get mine this year," Esme sighed, putting her legs on the dashboard. "Let's play a game!"

Esme's impatience became noticeable without even saying anything. She kept trying to find something interesting in the vehicle, but there wasn't anything. She would try and lean her seat down, but Jade put her foot on the back of it, preventing her from doing that.

Jade noticed the car going slower and slower. "Emma, stop driving like an old person!" Esme exclaimed as she reached to grab the steering wheel.

"I don't know, it just started going slow!" Emma panicked as it stopped. She kept pressing on the gas, but nothing worked.

Jade stood slightly from the back, noticing the problem. "We're out of gas," she sighed.

All three of them heard talking through Esme's now-open window. Jade opened the back door, squinting to see something.

"Don't tell me it's some security people," Esme groaned.

Jade could tell it was a green truck from a distance. They travelled slowly along the highway where they stood.

Esme sped toward them, leaving Emma to run her hands over her face. Within a few seconds, she came speeding over with a girl Jade had never met. Esme and Emma stared at the girl, who pulled away quickly from Esme. It caused her to pull out her water gun, loaded with rubbing alcohol and vinegar.

"What are you doing out here?" Esme pointed the gun at her face.

"I'm doing a highway check." Teagan panicked. Esme still seemed unconvinced, even if she had been in a house before with her.

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