Chapter Thirty-Two

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Esme started speeding down the highway, still dragging Luke's body. Nobody could catch her or would ever catch her. Speeding past the beach, she stopped right near the Paradise Hotel and the old hospital. Looking right and left between the two buildings, an idea popped into Esme's head.

Rushing inside the hospital, she read the signs on the walls of the different departments. Seeing surgery on the fifth floor, she dashed into the elevator and slammed her hand on the button. She grabbed some of the thin rope from her pocket and began tying knots around his wrist. Esme slung his arm around her neck, tying them together.

The doors opened, resulting in her dragging Luke and the shovel she ended up taking. Mark didn't even ask a question. Since she had shown him what James had done, he had stopped searching. Mark said Divina wanted to kill him, but Esme felt it was better to give him a surprise. It's not a normal day that Uden Academy students end up going to an actual hospital.

Looking around the glowing floor, she spotted a receptionist's desk. It was covered with a plastic shield because of the coronavirus. It is still an illness, but it has been controlled ever since the vaccine was created, so it no longer poses a threat. Esme didn't know much about the coronavirus; other than that, it happened years ago.

Staring around the large surgery floor, Esme wasn't even sure where to begin. She looked around a long hallway that had opened doors. In one room, there was a silver operation table with a heart monitor beeping.

Esme ripped the plugs out, resulting in the sound stopping. "Can't have him waking up yet," she mumbled to herself. Tossing Luke onto the table, she looked around the room.

Esme spotted on a small table different surgical tools she had never seen before. Most of them looked like scissors, except they were smaller and thinner. She grabbed the dressing scissors and clipped them into her hands.

"Let's strap him down," Esme said, looking around the room for anything that could strap this psychopath down. Seeing nothing, she grabbed more of the rope that she had thrown to the ground, and tied it around his stomach and under the table.

She wrapped him around and around until Luke lay flat on the table with his body tied down. James knocking him out gave them the upper hand. Grabbing the dressing scissors again, she snipped off his shirt and pulled it up, elbowing him in the eye. He groaned but didn't wake up. Tossing the shirt on the ground, she had to consider what to do. Maybe snip off the rest of the nub on his shoulder.

Esme tested the scissors through his hair. Looking up, she spotted a surgical light above. Flicking it on the side, she placed it directly over his face.

It wasn't that Esme enjoyed the pleasure, but she got to show how much stronger she was. All of this she could do by herself because she's the Speed Demon. Superheroes always help each other, but Esme could do it by herself.

Esme began snipping at the rest of the armless side. It wasn't exactly working, but rather just caused a small cut in the skin. Looking at the small table of equipment, she grabbed the silver scalper and turned it in her hands.

"What's this do?" she whispered to herself, gliding in along his shoulder. She cut off the rest of the part, leaving her staring with a dropped jaw.

Hearing a stir, she leaned her face over Luke's. When he blinked multiple times and looked around, he gritted his teeth.

"Let me out!" he barked, his face puffy from James' punch.

"No way," Esme remarked, holding the bloody scalpel where Luke wouldn't fail to see it.

"What did you do?" he growled, trying to wiggle out of the embrace of the ropes.

"I thought about playing doctor," Esme breezed, as blood dripped onto his puffy nose.

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