Chapter 35

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"What are you doing here?"

Dennis flinched at my tone. He took a step back, positioning his body near the entrance way. Gulping loudly, he started tugging at the collar of his sweater, avoiding my eyes.

"Well, aren't you going to answer me?!" I bellowed, causing him to jump slightly.


"—don't you dare call me babe!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Demitri looked at me strangely, before eyeing Dennis. Demitri face twisted up in concentration, before his eyes narrowed down into slits. Recognition crossed his face.

"Lily, is this that guy?" Demitri asked, referring to Dennis.

"You mean the scumbag that cheated on me? Then yes—"

"—I didn't cheat on you!" Dennis cut in, turning my way. His eyes watered, pleading with me silently to believe him.

I rolled my eyes. How foolish does he think I am? I knew him better than anyone to know when he's lying or not. "Please. Like I'll believe you!"

"It's true!" he cried, before taking a closer step towards me. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Bradlee inching forward on impulse. His face was a blank mask, but I could tell he was trying to hold back the urge to beat Dennis to a pulp if his fists were anything to go by. They were practically turning white from the way he was holding them, the muscles in his arms strangling. Dennis backed up like the coward he was, seeing this. He exhaled deeply, ignoring Bradlee, before glancing at me. "I didn't cheat on you, Lily."

"Yeah right—"

"—I didn't! You know I didn't! How could I, when I love you?!" Hearing a growl next to me, I didn't even have time to blink before Bradlee launched forward, tackling Dennis towards the ground. Dennis let out a groan, as his head connected with the floor. His eyes flashed red, coming to his senses, before throwing a punch towards Bradlee's face. A blank, emotionless expression swept over his face, before grabbing onto Dennis' neck. Pulling him forward, Bradlee's eyes narrowed down dangerously, getting ready to swing his arm at Dennis' stomach.

My pulse quicken, seeing Dennis choking, as he struggled to breathe. Fear made its way towards my body, silencing me as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. Even when I wanted to call out to Bradlee to tell him to stop, I couldn't. It was like I couldn't find my voice; like it disappeared.

"Bradlee!" Demitri screamed, causing him to stop. "Let go of the boy!" Bradlee slowly looked up, before he looked back at Dennis. Guilt made its way up to Bradlee's face, as he let go of Dennis. Dennis landed on the floor, breathing heavily.

Grasping his neck, he glared up at Bradlee, before his eyes met mine. "Lily, what the fuck is wrong with your friend?" he spluttered. "He almost killed me!"

Bradlee's eyes widened at his words. He stared blankly at his hands, in clear shock. "I-I'm s-sorry," he whispered quietly.

"Just get away from me, you freak!" Dennis shouted. Bradlee froze hearing those words. He lowered his head in shame, his bangs falling over his eyes. I didn't miss the single tear rolling down his face before he ran past Dennis.

"Bradlee!" I yelled, coming to my senses. Running after him, I ignored my ex and Demitri calling my name, before slamming the door behind me. Seeing a FBI agent walking up the curved pathway, I politely waved hello to him.

"If you're looking for that young man, he went that way," the FBI agent said, pointing his pale finger towards the direction Bradlee ran off to.

My Undercover Life | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora