Chapter 7

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“Shit, I am so—”


        “Freak!? How the fuck am I a freak? You’re the one who freaking bumped into me!” I spat out, giving him the coldest glare I could muster up. There’s no way I was going to let him talk to me like I’m some low life or something. I couldn’t even care less that I had to make friends with this douchebag. Screw the damn plan.


        The babbling idiot finally decided to shut his mouth and the look on his face when he heard my words thrown at him was priceless. He looked so confused. He probably didn’t even know what to say. He looked so lost for words that I had to held in a small chuckle at his expression.


        For the next minute or so, he just stood there, his eyes on me with his mouth opening and closing like an idiot. It looked like he wanted to say something, but didn’t know what, so he just kept repeating his mouth movements, until I decided to just walk away. I needed to find Bradlee anyways. I didn’t have time to stand around and look at that fool anymore.


        I was halfway down the hall, when a voice decided to scream, “Wait!” Of course, it was Hunter.


        I decided to ignore him, and kept on walking, but I could hear the loud pounding footsteps right behind me getting louder and louder. And I just knew for a fact it was him catching up to me. My thoughts were proven right when I felt a hand on my shoulder, halting my steps. He walked in front of me, his hands still on my shoulder, looking afraid I would run away any minute now.


        “What’s your name?” was the first sentence out of his mouth. “I don’t remember seeing you before.”


        “That’s none of your business.” I slapped his arms away, before I started making my way away from him.


        “Oh come on!” I still heard his loud voice. “Don’t be like that. I just want to know your name!”


        I whipped around, eyeing him. “Why do you even want to know my name?”        


        “Because, it isn’t every day I meet someone I like.”


        I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “And just how many girls do you use that line on?”


        “Huh?” He blinked. “That wasn’t a line. I was being serious. It’s not every day a girl like you shows up in front of me.”


        “Oh?” I crossed my arms. “Just what kind of girl am I?”


        “The kind who’s not afraid to speak her mind. You remind me of a small kitten not afraid to lash out at anything, even when their opponent is ten times as bigger as they are.”

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