Chapter 41 A Battle You Shall Have

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Jordan ran to the window so many growls were heard. Her hands braced against the glass, staring out.

It was easy to decipher who was who.

They all stood in front of the house, in a group, crew, together fighting as they could. Kyle went through wolf by wolf with ferocity, his teeth doing the damage. His black fur. It was hard to see but their eyes illuminated the area. So many eyes.

Her eyes flickered to a frustrated yell, Marcos it was. He had still stood next to his brother.

Never had she seen so many wolves at once. They fought hard protecting the house.

Protecting her and that wasn't the worst part.

Those were simply Omegas, not near the amount that were on their way.

Determination pounded in her chest as she slid on her boots quickly, throwing on her jacket. She took a syringe out of the box. Diante had given it to her. She didn't waste a second plunging the needle in her skin which made her cry out. 2 mil he said, but she would need longer and so she injected herself with all of it, damn the consequences.

Running, she grabbed her bow and threw the bag of arrows over her shoulder. Her feet rapidly moved downstairs until a huge bang caused her to scream and stop. Fear pumped through her body like no other.

Casey ran. Ran quick, ran hard, running to reach a goal. Not only that, the old were on her tail. As soon as she found her way through the woods from the path underground, a wolf chased after her. Luckily it was only one.

She even took different turns, hoping to lose them, that is until she crashed headfirst into it. However, she was the one who went flying and smacked the floor.

Get up! Her wolf yelled and she did swiftly. They both ran at each other, intentions not to hurt but to kill.

She whimpered, the sinking of the wolf's canines in her body. She kicked him away, but the wolf had been stronger than her.

Help me! She cried out to her wolf.

I can't! She cried back.

She rolled over, trying to get the wolf off her, to defend herself but they bit and scratched ferociously, fiercely at her.

Must reach the pack...

Her blood boiled, her strength increased and a second later she exploded, sending the wolf tumbling back with a howl.

She hadn't tried to kill the wolf, she ran. She couldn't fight it.

Only the wolf had bit her tail and she howled out. God, it hurts. Rapid feet were heard a seconds later, she heard a whine and her tail had been released but red stains covered her white beautiful fur.

She turned around and her eyes were stuck, amazed at the fight. A brown wolf, attacking a gray wolf. The gray being the one that attacked her. She suddenly felt ashamed had she been losing, and the brown wolf made it seem like child's play.

The brown wolf stood atop of the gray and sunk his teeth into his neck, shaking him forcibly and with one hard tug, the wolf's jugular ripped out. Casey's eyes burned with the want to vomit.

Ouuu what's his name, her wolf purred.

The violence riled her up. Casey only shushed her.

The brown wolf made way to her, throwing the jugular to the ground and licking his lips as if he liked the taste of blood. Ahh! Get away you filthy beast! Her wolf shrieked, horrified by the action but it made Casey giggle.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now