chapter thirty one

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"You've got to admit, I'm a pretty hot chick."


picture: napolean dynamite is bae

don't forget to vote and comment! they mean a tonne to me, and lately I haven't had many comments which makes me sad :(


Have you ever experienced that feeling when everything just stops?

It's as if the world stops spinning, and you watch everything around you crumble and fall into tiny shards. It's when your heart skips a beat, but not in the good way. Not the skip when you're falling in love, but the skip when you feel like everything is falling apart.

That's how I'm feeling now. My heart is cracking, dropping to the pit of my stomach as I stare aimlessly at the bright white walls. The nauseating sterile smell of the hospital insulted my senses, and the sight of my best friend falling to pieces shifted in the corner of my eye.

I feel lost.

No, I feel like I'm not even there. That my body is just a shell without the contents - empty.

Tyler's tight wrap around my waist is the only thing that is stopping me from falling apart. A tear rolls down my cheek as I squeeze Tyler to stop the pain that doesn't seem to subside.

"She's going to be fine," he whispers in my ear, but I'm that zoned out it just sounds like absolute gibberish.

She's going to be fine, she's going to be fine, she's going to be fine, she's going to be fine. I recite in my head in a mantra, but it doesn't seem to help anything. She isn't going to be fine, he doesn't know that. In fact, all we can have is the spark in the bottom of our heart that everything is going to be okay.

"Friends and relatives of Emily Jaeger," a voice full of authority snaps me out of my episode. I immediately shift away from Tyler, standing up in a hurry to walk over to the doctor. Nate and Tyler do the same, staring at Doctor Perkins with hope filled in their eyes.

"I'm her boyfriend," Nate speaks up. He looks worse for wear, his clothes are crumpled from sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chair folded up in fetal position. His hair is askew, and he all round looks like a mess. "How is she?"

Doctor Perkins smiles slightly. This has got to be good news. Right? "Emily is stable," he confirms, "She's asleep at the moment, and should come around in a few hours. Emily is on lot's of pain killers at the moment, so she may drop in and out of consciousness for a few hours."

I breathe a sigh of relief. She's okay. Thank heavens. My heart pretty much broke when I heard that she was in the emergency room with the possibility of being on the next gurney to the graveyard from the injuries she sustained.

"Can we see her?" Nate almost pleads the doctor.

Doctor Perkins nods, "A nurse will be in every half an hour to check her vitals. Emily is in room," he looks down at his clip board, "Four-seven-nine. Take the elevator up to floor three and go left at the end of the hall, her room should be on the right side at the end of the passage. Good luck kiddos."

"Thank you," Nate hugs him. The doctor takes this by surprise, patting his back awkwardly. "So so so so much."

"Hurry up you idiot," I push Nate away from the poor violated doctor. Nate seems to realize that he just hugged Emily's doctor, quickly snapping out of it and taking off quicker than Usain Bolt.

"She's going to be fine," I breathe out, smiling at Tyler. He beams brightly. "I think I peed myself when he was talking," I squealed, jumping onto Tyler to envelope him into a huge hug.

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