Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I found myself standing outside of a 24 hour Taco Bell, on Tyler's back. I could just smell the sweet glorious smell of tacos cooking, and burritos. Oh god, I can't control myself. These taco-hormones are going wild. Don't even deny that taco-hormones aren't real, because they are. I will personally slap you if you do.

How I found myself here? That's a long story.

[at Emily's house getting ready for the party]

"Do it again," I glared at Emily, "I dare you. I'm not afraid to go karate on you."

Emily shrugged and put the tweezers back on her vanity table. "I'm sorry for trying to tame the beast," she rolled her eyes, indirectly insulting my perfect eyebrows. So what they're thicker than most girls, at least I don't have a monobrow.

"Maybe the beast doesn't want to be tamed," I poked my tongue out at my best friend. I love my eyebrows - I reckon they're onfleek. "Just hurry up, I can't sit in this uncomfortable chair for any longer," I whined like a little kid.

"Be patient," Emily hissed and got to work on braiding my bangs, "Beauty is time, beauty is pain. Repeat after m-"

"How about no."

"Beauty is time, beauty is pa-"

"No, your ass will be in pain after I'm done kicking the absolute crap out of it," I grumbled. I didn't have the patience to sit in one chair for two hours being poked, prodded, and pulled and makeover-ed.

Twenty minutes later and Emily and I were dressed to go. Emily looked - in my best friendly opinion - looked hot, with her busty black tank top and mint green skirt, along with killer black studded heels. I, on the other hand, was lucky enough to be wearing fully black high top converse, because Emily had said that if I wore heels, I would be higher than the guys and that is a bad idea. I'm pretty tall for a girl, but being 5'9 nearly 6' means that I can't wear heels.

Emily had insisted that I wore a short, tight dress to show off my "curves". So, she dressed me up into a blood red tight dress. It didn't match the best with my shoes, but I couldn't care less, this was already way out of my comfort zone. She left my hair down and wavy (she also attempted to make it less frizzy) and mainly did minimal makeup with just a bit of eyeliner and some tinted lip balm and concealer for those cute pimples - not.

I'm usually not into fashion at all - I just throw on anything in my wardrobe, which consists of barely flattering jeans and loose tops - so this was a huge contrast to what I usually look like.

"You ready to go show the boys how sexy you can be," Emily winked at me and we walked out of her house and out to her car.

"Hell yeah," I hollered even though I was nervous as all hell. I've gone to parties before, but I've never ever dressed up in like a tight body clinging dress. Shockingly. Yeah, the occasional unflattering dress that my mother has forced me into, but nothing like this. Plus, the other parties I've been to I have turned up with Nate and we would mainly just stick to the kitchen, where I would look after my poor, helplessly drunk friend. I'm his designated driver for parties, so when Emily told me that she was going to stay sober, I was surprised.

I'm not a keen lover of alcohol, but I will have a sip of it every now and again. I just don't like beer -euck. It's so bitter and foul, I don't know how people can stand to drink it.

Emily started her car and we started driving to Nate's house. Emily was the odd one out in our friendship, since Nate and I are beside each other and she is ten minutes down the road. Now, if only Tyler would swap houses with Emily, that would be perfect.

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