Dance lessons.

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For the last couple of months, Jess had been going to dance lessons every monday and wednesday with Ellie! She's been having an absolute blast and she comes home every time so so happy and non stop moving and grooving for Carter and I. The last few weeks, they've been practicing for a show and I was so overjoyed and excited to go and see it. Carter, Alex and I all got front row tickets ready to watch them and I genuinely was buzzing. The girls had been with each other every night practicing their duet and Jess even had a solo which Ellie had been helping her with. 
Ellie had more dance experience than Jess but they still loved it all the same. Whilst Ellie had been dancing her whole life, even studying it at college, Jess has been doing it on and off for years and actually dropped out at college- simply because the theory was too much- she was a beautiful dancer. 
"Girls!" I shouted into the garden, putting their dinners on the table. They were in the garden rehearsing as the show was tomorrow night! 
"It's dinner time!" I announced, walking out of the door. They carried on, oblivious to me so I watched, curious. They hadn't let me see the dance yet, purely because they wanted it to be a surprise but I couldn't help myself watching now. When the music ended and they finished in their positions, I began clapping. Both heads snapped round to me and whislt Ellie smiled, Jess frowned and huffed. 
"You saw it mama!" She groaned, getting up off her knees and coming over to me. 
"Just the last 10 seconds princess," I defended myself. 
"No!! I told you not watch it at alllll," she whimpered, throwing her head back and walking past me in a strop. 
"Baby, I'm sorry. I was coming to tell you its dinner time," I said, wrapping my arms around her as Ellie joined us. 
"Dinosaurs!" Jess and Ellie instantly cheered, charging into the kitchen. They loved their turkey dinos! I followed, smiling widely at their cuteness and was very grateful that Jess had moved on. To be honest, ever since she started the dance classes, her moods had improved ten fold. her depressive episodes were a lot less frequent and she wasn't as low. As well, in herregressed state, she'd been a lot more chirpier and more toddler-age and even when she's big, she feels comfortable. 

Once dinner was over, we said goodbye to Ellie as Alex came to pick her up and headed upstairs for a bath! We had to travel for the show a little so in the morning, we were taking Ellie over to the hotel where the show is hosted and letting them do all of their rehearsals whilst Carter and I hung around town for the day and then that night, Alex is meeting us before the show and afterwards, we were all going out for dinner before heading home the next day! Carter had specifically booked the time off work and I was so grateful, he proved his love for Jess everyday. 
"Mammmmma," Jess whined as she put her hands all over me. I giggled and grabbed her hands, wrapping her small ones in mine and kissing the ends of her fingers. 
"What my love?" I smirked, leaning down and pulling a funny face. She giggled and tried to move away, knowing what was coming but I quickly attacked her face in kisses and showered in my love. She squealed and wiggled under me but I kept hold of her, showing her I loved her in every way I could. 
I ended my love fest with a quick lick of the bridge of her nose before getting up and checking the temperature of the water. 
"MAMA!" she squealed before jumping on my back. 

Eventually, she was all ready for bed with her hair in tight braids for tomorrow's show and her snuggly pjs. She'd gotten all cozy under her covers whilst drinking her bottle and I read her a story- a story of a beautiful ballerina. 
"Goodnight my princess," I whispered, kissing her lips gently before leaving her room. She was already asleep. I left her door open slightly and left the landing light on so she wasn't scared before heading downstairs to get mine and Carter's dinner ready! 

the next morning! 

"Elllllie!" Jess cheered as Ellie clambered into our car. She had her bag with her and I could instantly tell she wasn't regressed. Jess was. Not too far, but far enough to not be independant and it was a little bit concerning. I think it was the nerves of the day, she'd never performed for people before. However, she had so so much support around her. The dance company as worked with disabled adults before so on the occasions Jess has slipped, they've been very accomodating to her needs so I had everything crossed that they'll be the same today. 
"Morning sweetheart," Ellie replied, leaning over the seat and kissing Jess on the nose. Jess giggled and coiled into herself before staring out of the window. Carter and I greeted Ellie, made sure she was belted up before heading off the hotel- it was about an hours and a half drive. 

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