Happy Birthday Daddy! pt.3

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We pulled up outside the restaruant and Jess was out of the car faster then lightning. 
"Is she okay?" Ellie instantly asked, looking between us three, worried. 
I nodded, "I'm going to go talk to her, do you two want to get us seated?" Carter and Ellie nodded and got out of the car. They headed in, hand in hand and I went round to Jess. She was slumped against the side of the car. I stood with one leg either side of her and put my forehead on hers. She sighed sadly as I glanced down at her phone. 
"What's up buttercup?" 
"Have I ruined his day?" 
"Whose? Carter's?" 
"Yeah. I was bitch. Little me was anyway," she sighed sadly. I stood up and cupped her cheeks. 
"You have to say nice words about yourself." I reminded her. "Especially about little Jess. You weren't a bitch, you were yourself. We got over it, worked around it- however you want to think about it but Carter loves you wholeheartedl bubba and they only reason his day would be ruined if you stay upset for the rest of it. He would much rather see your sassy, cheeky side than your upset side that avoids us. You get me?" She only nodded before burrying her head in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her securely. 

After a few more minutes talking, we walked into the restraunt and joined Ellie and Carter. We had a booth which I liked. Jess slid in beside Carter and I slid in at her other side. 
"What are we all getting?" I asked, picking up a menu and sharing it with Jess. She was slipping now, I could see it in her boyd langauge and part of me was very grateful. Her headspace was her sanctuary and she pushed that away for Carter but neither of us wanted that to happen. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head, she snuggled into me. Carter looked at me with the questioning look in his eyes and I nodded, telling him she'd slipped. 
"Hiya guys, are you ready to order?" Jess jumped a little in my arms and Ellie began telling the waitress what she wanted, Carter followed and I asked Jess. She timidly pointed at the fish and chips so I ordered that as well as some milk for her and some food for myself. 

We all got to talking about silly things, mainly Carter's topics which were interesting. Jess stayed quiet for most of it. Ellie piped up saying she needed the toilet and excused herself but Jess wiggled then, letting me know she needed it too. Ellie noticed and held her hand out for Jess. She looked around worriedly at all the other people before slowly taking Ellie's hand and raising from her seat. They left together and I looked over at Carter. Instantly, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me- hard. 
"You love her with every single thing in your body and I adore you for that," he mumbled. I giggled and blushed.
"There's everything to love about her." 
"There is, yes," he nodded and pulled me into his arms, leaning back. "I love you. So much. Thank you for making this day everything I ever wanted and more." I smiled widely and kissed him again. 

We stayed like that until the girls came back. Jess got more involved in conversation then, until the food came that is- she was in her own world, devouring her fish and chips. 

"Can we have icecream?" She mumbled to me, in her questest, little voice.
"Maybe little one, you haven't finished your chips though."
"But mummy I wan icecream now," she whined slightly. I looked over but quickly, Carter wrapped his arms around her. She giggled and he began talking in her ear, whispering. I watched as her facial expressions changed and then she quickly nodded. She shook hands with Carter before sitting up. Ellie and I shared a glance and I looked at Jess. She had her teasing look on her face. 
"What did Daddy say?" 
"He said dat if I listen super good he will make sure I get mummy milk before bed," she said triumphantly. I raised my eyebrows at Carter. 
"Oh really?" 
"Mhmm, she deserves it." 
"Does she now?" 
"I do mamaaa!" Jess gasped, looking at me and then my chest. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Ellie. She giggled and leaned over the table. 
"Are you sharing your mummy's milk?" I knew she was only kidding as she didn't want to nurse but it was cute to see Jess' reaction. She looked at me and Carter then back at Ellie. She then looked at my boobs with the saddest look on her face. 
"It my mummy's milk b- but uh," she let her shoulders sink. "I guess so if you reallllly want it." I giggled and went to speak up btu she spoke again: "It's spicy though- you might no like it Ewwie." We all started laughing then and I pulled her into my arms. She looked confused and I kissed her head. 
"You don't ahve to share it bubba, Ellie was just teasing."
"Oh thank goodness," she sighed and squeezed me, putting her head in my chest again. 

Not long later, we were on the way home. We did end up getting dessert but Jess convinced herself she had to leave room for my milk. I loved breastfeeding her. We didn't do it often but I pumped milk regularly and donated it. However, my baby got it when she wanted it. 

"Daddy?" I heard Ellie's little voice from the back. 
"Yeah baby?" 
"You read my story tonight?" 
"I'll read you a story any day, princess," Carter replied and I rolled my eyes. He was tipsy and it was so cute to see. 
"Me too daddy?" Jess asked. 
"Of course, angel." He closed his eyes and put his head back. 
"We'll have to see if Daddy's even awake when we get home!" I teased and both girls laughed. 

Jess curled into me, my breast in her mouth as her eyes fluttered closed. Ellie was next to her, head on Carter's shoulder as he began to read. We got home and bathed the girls together and then got them dressed. Jess was feeling extra little and I loved it. Her little hands reached for me whenever I wasn't there and it made my heart melt. 
"The two princess walked for days to find their princes but othing was working. Both girls were hungry, tired and desperately wanting a bath!" carter read stories so well. He kept them both so engaged and it was a beautiful quality. 
Surprisingly, it was Ellie who fell asleep first. Her head on Carter's shoulder, we managed to manuover ourselves. Jess kept feeding, in her own little world and Carter carried Ellie to her own bed. Once Jess had fed, she was going to her own bed also and then Carter and I were planning on some quailty time. 

I really hoped I made this birthday special for him. ALthough both girls slipped, he loved looking after them and he had a good day. I loved him and he deserved the best- always. 

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