Chapter 3: Boba Tea Is My Jam

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Look out for the <>!!!

"Nora, are you ready in there?" dad asked as he tapped on my door the next morning.

"Of course, I am," I called out as I slipped on a pair of khakis, then opened the door to see dad also wearing a pair of khakis to match his OSU polo. 

Hi grinned as he looked out my outfit. "Why look at that. We're like two peas in a pod."

I glanced at my outfit as I wondered if I really thought like him. "Is that a good thing?"

"You bet your bottom buck it is! We're so cool, a real father daughter team! Now, come on, let's get out of here."

He was right about that. We were a team. I followed him down the stairs to see mom standing with confidence by the door, waiting for us to leave. In her manicured hands were two lunch boxes.

"Why don't you look stunning. Come here, do a little turn for me," dad said as he spun mom around as he took the lunches.

She laughed as she did a turn, allowing her diamond earrings to catch the sun light. She was more polished today than normal and I wondered what she was off to do. "I have a breakfast date with a few of the wives on the athletic faculty board."

"Please say something good about me."

She nodded. "I always do. Why do you think I go to these things?"

With a simple kiss, he left out the door and got into his SUV with me on his tail. 

As he backed out of the driveway, he shook his head and said, "I feel lucky waking up beside her every day. Your mother is the most beautiful person in the world. She's like a diamond next to a block of coal. The coal is me if you didn't get it."

I smiled. "I got you."

He returned the smile as he drove down the road. "Good, because you know, I always knew you were a smarty pants."

I chuckled as I shook my head, switching my attention out the windshield as the campus neared. 

"So, what are my jobs today?" I asked as we drove to campus.

Dad shrugged. "Have no clue, but I can promise you, it'll be fun." He finger gunned me with a wink.

I nodded. I should have expected that. Dad was always keeping me on my toes. Whatever I would be doing might not be fun, but it would be at least memorable. "Cool."


Time passed and before I knew it, I was on the practice field with an massive red O on the side. I stook silently as dad gave the team some preppy talk. They all listened intently as he told them about teamwork and giving it their all. As the talk ended, and the team dispersed into different groups, ready for training. They had such determination in their eyes, making me wonder what they were thinking. Was football really their life? Were they doing this because they loved the sport?

"No no no Nora! There you are," dad said as he walked up to me with a smile.

"Here I am."

"Can you do a coffee run for me?"

I nodded. At least that was something for me to do. Hopefully that would make me feel useful because so far, I hadn't done much. "Sure, what do you want?"

"Just whatever you're getting."

I smiled as I shook my head. I told him a million times over that I hated the taste of coffee. Maybe it was another thing he wanted me to be hooked on since everyone else in the family lived off of it. "I would but rather get boba tea. That's my jam."

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