Chapter 31: You Owe Me

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Look out for the <>!

"Nora, I need you to do something for me," dad said as he walked into my bedroom that same night. 

I looked up at him with a frown as I turned my music down. For a second, I worried that he found out that Everett was going to run a story about Charles. Both Everett and I decided that telling him about that would not be smart, at least not until we got a story together. Writing the story of Charles was our secret for now until we wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer. 

"Charles is going to be playing in practice tomorrow and I think it would be best if Everett had a day off away from practice."

Every time Charles name was brought up, it caused my hair to stand on end. I didn't like this as much as dad did, but he could fake liking him better than anyone. It made me wonder if he was starting to warm up to the idea of Charles being on the team so they could win a game. "So, what are you saying?"

"I told him to take a day off and he won't listen. I figured you could talk to him. You have him in the palm of your hand like a kid would hold a lighting bug." 

His analogy brought a smile to my face. Never did I think I could hold that effect on anyone. "What do you want me to do?" 

"Suggest skipping."

"You are suggesting that I be the trouble girl friend?"

"This isn't anything but trouble. I need you to do this for me."

I chewed on his words for a second before picking up my phone and texting Everett really quickly about skipping. "You owe me."

Dad smiled as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Shelly told me he caught you swearing so technically we are even."

"So Shelly is the swear police now?" I could call him out as much as he did, but something held me back when I saw his smug face.

Dad shrugged then walked out of my room without another word, leaving me back to studying.

As soon as dad vanished, my phone buzzed telling me Everett texted me back about skipping. Through his short response he said he had an idea and to be ready by 9AM. I responded to him quickly then turned back to my homework, hoping I would finish it before I needed to go to sleep.

The next morning, I waited on the front porch with a sack lunch in my hands that mom insisted I bring and a jacket around my shoulders. I still had no idea what we were doing but Everett told me to dress for the weather. 

As punctual as normal, he drove up into the driveway, causing me to run to his car with a smile on my face. 

"Hey," I said as I got into his car.

"Morning," he said with a smile then kissed me on the cheek. "You look ready to hike in the woods." 

His comment caused my eyes to drift to my appearance. "You told me to dress for the weather. Is it not good enough?"

He shrugged. "It'll be fine." With that, he backed out, allowing me to see his outfit, trying to piece clues together of what we were really doing today. His normal sporty look was replaced with blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Seeing him like this made me believe that we were doing something that I had no experience doing. All my life I had lived in cities, I didn't know anything about the country or farm life but there was a sinking feeling in my stomach that told me I was about to learn. 


"So was skipping your idea or was it your fathers?" Everett asked as we got onto the freeway. 

My palms instantly started to sweat as I worried that he would be mad at the truth. For a second, I debated about what to tell him until I finally realized it would be the best to tell him the truth. Vera once told me it was never worth lying to your lover and I just hope she was right.

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