Chapter 5

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"Where you been at boy?" My momma asked, she was laying on the couch half sleep.

"I was watching the game Momma."

"With Dom?" She opened her eyes to see how I was gone respond. All I did was shrug and walk back toward my room.

"Aht aht! Come here!" I could hear her get up off the couch and follow me. "What I told you bout hanging around Dom? You know I don't want you at his house!"

"He family Ma, it's cool."

"No it's not. I know he did a lot for us while you were growing up but I don't want you wrapped up in his shit, that's what happened to your daddy you know!" She said. All I did was turn around and lift up my shirt, showing her my Crimson Brotherhood tattoo.

She was completely still for a moment, staring at it with wide eyes. I watched her face turn angry. "FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BOY!?!" She shouted hitting my chest and pushing. I tried pushing her away without hurting her but she just kept pushing me, so I pushed once extra hard and she fell back onto the wall. I tried helping her up.

"Momma I'm sorry—"

"NAH! Get the fuck on then!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "You wanna throw your life away with Dom go ahead! You just gotta get the hell outta my house!"

"Ma?" I was hoping she wasn't serious.

"Don't call me that! Get yo shit and get out! NOW!"


Imani POV

The next day after finding out I was pregnant all I wanted to do was lay in my bed and escape my life. All that was interrupted when Kayla came in my room unexpectedly.

"Hey Mani—"

"What are you doing here?" I said, sitting up in my bed.

"It's like that?" Kay asked jokingly.

"It's good, but forreal what are you doin?"

"Your stepmom let me in. I'm taking you to choir practice." She informed me.

"No, I don't feel like going to that Kay" I replied sluggishly, pulling my covers back over my head.

"Girl we not going to that shit forreal. I'm finna hit up the mall." She whispered. "You down?"

"I don't know—"

"Well your stepmom thinks we going to practice so you gotta get up, even if you stay in the car the whole time."

I sighed in response. Even though I was not feeling great I decided maybe this could be good to get my mind off it for a few hours.


"What you think of these?" Kay asked, holding up a pair of sneakers.

"They aight." I shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What you mean?" I said back, playing dumb. I didn't feel like getting into it with Kay. I didn't want her to find out about me being pregnant either, that was the real reason I was acting different.

My attention was drawn away from our conversation when crowd of dudes walked into the store. The only one I recognized immediately made my stomach turn. It was Snook.

I guess Kay saw my attention go on them so she turned around. "What? You know them?" She asked, pointing back towards them. I hurriedly snatched her hand down.

"Don't fuckin point Kay!" I whispered.

"So you do know them?" She asked, smiling.

"I ain't say that."
My lie quickly unraveled when I heard Snook call out my name.

"Imani, right?" He said licking his lips.


"Damn what you looking all scared for? All a nigga came to do was say wassup." He laughed.

I ain't even know what to say to him. Being around him just reminded me of everything I had been trying so hard to forget for these past few weeks.

"You know what's crazy? After the party all I could think about was the fact I ain't get your number, and now we crossed paths again." He pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

Kay and him stood there smiling while I was screaming on the inside. They watched as I struggled to put in my number, that's how bad I was shaking. Kayla grabbed his phone from me and put in my number. She handed it back to him and smiled.

"She'll be in contact."

"That's wassup." He nodded before walking back off to his group of friends.
I gave Kayla the stankest face I could possibly muster.

"What?" She asked like she was offended.

"What if I ain't wanna give him my number?"

"And why the hell not? He fine as hell!" She rolled her neck. I guess she thought I should be grateful or something.

"If you think he cute you should've given him YOUR number, not mine."

"Okay damn. I was just tryna be a good wingman. But you had an attitude all day, I don't know what your problem is."

"I just wanna be left alone."

"I was just tryna cheer you up by getting you out the house since you on punishment—"

"You need to learn to leave people alone." I wanted to eat my words when I said them. I knew they would hurt her feelings, I was a bit harsh.

"Okay then, I'll do that." She said throwing down the sneakers and walking out the store.

I let out a sigh and shook my head. There goes my ride.

I didn't even wanna be at this fucking mall in the first place, and now if I call my dad to come get me they'll know I wasn't at practice. This is bullshit.

I went to the food court and found an empty table to sit at. I called Mordechai.


"I'm sorry to be bothering you again but I need a ride—"

"Sorry Mani, but I'm kinda in the middle of something. I can come but it won't be for like two hours."

"Okay that's cool. I'll just call Ivy."

I sighed and hung up the phone. "You need a ride?" Snook asked. I jumped when I heard his voice. He sat down at the table with my smirking.

"Not from you."

"Damn! It's like that?!"

"Yes. It is." I could feel myself getting hot. I couldn't believe this nigga had the nerve to even be in my face.

"Where yo friend go?"

"Don't worry about it." I said simply.

"Yo why you bein like this? You seemed like you was feeling me at the party?" I wanted to jump across the table on this motherfucker. These oast few weeks have been fucking horrible. And it's all his fault.

"Was that before or after you raped me?"

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