chapter 20. Resistance.

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The invasion continues.  The forces of Earthrealm are holding strong.   Y/n continues to observe the constant battles. 

Xerox observes the events with intrest.  He still has to try and stop Y/n from turning evil.  He is very weary of getting directly involved.  If the timeline stays on course, he can at least predict the outcome. 

Shao Khan plans to use a soulnado to end the invasion.  

The forces of Earthrealm launch an all out assault on the soulnado site.  Y/n watches from a nearby rooftop as both sides clash. 

Xerox does the same thing with his chosen warriors from the tournament.

Howitz: What should we do?

Xerox: Wait. I'm not quite sure if we should get involved.  

The battle below rages on for some time. But the Earthrealm forces are too slow. 

The soulnado activates and the sky turns green.

Y/n looks at it and starts to feel...hungry.

Xerox could feel that something was off. 

Xerox: Howitz! Help the Earthrealm forces shut that soulnado down. I need to find Y/n.

Howitz: At once!

Howitz jumps off the rooftop and lands on his feet. He walks towards the battlefield. 

He finds his path blocked by Goro and Kintaro.

Goro goes for a punch. Howitz dodges and grabs Goro, he bodyslams him onto the ground. 

Kintaro goes for a similar strategy and meets the same fate.

Howitz continues on his mission.

Xerox finds Y/n and notices him shaking in place.

Xerox: Y/n?!

Y/n turns to face Xerox.

Y/n: It' enticing. All those souls. I...I...I want them!

Xerox: Y/n, listen to me. You need to take a deep breath. You'll regret it if you eat those souls.

Y/n's eyes change to black and red.

Y/n: No.

Y/n attempts to teleport in front of Xerox and go for a punch. But Xerox blocks and punches him away. 

Y/n stumbles back and goes for a kick. Xerox  dodges and sweeps his leg.

Y/n doesn't fall, instead he flys upward and at intense speed, slams himself into Xerox, making them both crash through the building. 

They both land on the ground floor and continue to fight, Y/n being completely outmatched.

Howitz continues to fight his way toward the soulnado.  He finds himself surrounded by enemies.

Lightning strikes the foes around him and Raiden lands in front of him.

Raiden: You are from Khaciarealm.

Howitz: Yes.  We must stop that soulnado. Xerox believes that it is enticing Y/n. 

Liu Kang and Kung Lao appear.

Liu Kang: Y/n? Is he okay?

Howitz: Xerox will be able to keep him calm. I'm sure of it. But we must not waste time.

Raiden: I will clear the way.  Liu Kang, Kung Lao, assist our ally!

Raiden flys up and provides cover as the trio move. 

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