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tw: dieting mentioned 

I had gone to the receptionist, just to be given a slip of paper wordlessly, before I even got to open my mouth.

A bad omen.

I could feel my anxiety building as i walked, staring at the red slip of paper before me. The company would give slips out on varying degrees of how serious the situation or meeting was. The colours went in a traffic light colour order. Green, yellow and red.

My slip read:

Name: Jang 'james' jisung

Reason: for meeting: behaviour

Room: floor 3, room 7.

This didn't give me any inkling on what the meeting was about. But the mere colour of the paper made my blood go cold. 

I sat outside, waiting. Shaking my foot in impatience and pure anxiety.

This floor had a difference from the rest of them.

I first noted that it looked alot like a hospital. I feared for a few long minutes they had finally realised how unstable I was prone to be and brought someone in to check me out.

This had happened once before in school when I got so frustrated one day I stormed out of my classroom. It required a lot of lying on my part to prove I was ok.

I doubt it was that anyway. Maybe it was jaes tweet about kissing me.

But I doubt it, it has given bts so much publicity, whether good or bad. I had seen a dozen jae and jisung dating videos so far and it was actually hilarious. The fact they believed we were dating was laughable.

However if I were to ask him out, I believe my chances of a yes were very high.

I pushed the chair in front of me away, believing it was far too close, and if someone else were to take a seat I would want them as far away as possible.

A lady walked past and gave me a raised eyebrow as she saw what I was doing so I stopped, feeling embarrassed.

"james." a quiet voice called. A jumpy skinny sort of man peeped his head around the doorframe.

"yes" i stood up, trying not to look as nervous and jumpy as he did.

"Come in." he squeaked, gesturing inside the suspiciously dark room.

I frowned. I had been attacked from behind before And had my head smashed into the concrete so I eyed the room and the man with apprehension.

I could almost taste the familiarity of the situation.

But as I edged into the room, I didn't feel cold hands wrap around my neck or burning hot arms absorb me into a headlock or any other restraint.

"sit down" a tougher looking man, pushing around papers shiftily. A man who I knew I should tread lightly around sat almost glaring at me. That must be why his assistant is so twitchy.

I nodded, grasping the ugly seat with hidden fear.

They were cheap. Made out of cheap mental , cheap plastic.

The room and its owners didn't have any welcoming quality's, but I tried not to let the discomfort show or he'd rip me to shreds.

"ill get right to it" his voice was low, with forced authority.

"I'm Mr. kim. I'm sure you know what i do"

I do not. But to comfort his swollen ego, I nodded, assuming he was a manager of another manger.

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