Chapter 21: Oh Come On

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What could go wrong in a bath? You know, you're cleaning yourself, enjoying the water, freshening up. 

Except I'm not cleaning myself. A stupid big alien is, and I'm not on my own. Another stupid big alien on top of me is also getting a bath. 

I have resorted to whining at this point, and yet, my handler just keeps on scrubbing away, grumbling a tune I've never heard of before. 

Have I mentioned how stupid he is?

Snake boy rolls all over me during the whole process, not staying still for a second. My handler doesn't even blink, patiently maneuvering around the two of us. 

And yet, he somehow still gets every spot of the both of us clean. 

I am buckled in a huge sink-like tub. it is the size of a human bathtub, and yet, it feels like a sink because my handler is standing over like a human would when washing their small puppy in a sink. 

And buckled. I mean, come on. 


I sigh at Lyon's clear emotions about this whole ordeal. 

"Oh buddy. You'll get used to it. I promise." I mutter, turning off the spray and replacing the sponges for towels. 

I first handle the Jias, wrestling him off of Lyon, and placing him in Faerin's arms, who was already waiting with his own set of towels. 

I then unstrap my disgruntled human, gently drying him off with a soft, warm towel. 

No matter how moody humans can get, a heated towel always does the trick after a nice bath. Lyon melts in my hands within seconds, his eyes blinking tiredly. 

"You've had a long good day, sweet thing. Let's get you back to your kennel, hmm? Your owner's coming soon. He's going to have quite a surprise to find a Jias all over you." I chuckle as Faerin and I walk down several halls. 

I hide my smile from Faerin, who is frantically trying to keep ahold of a certain Reilzi in his arms. 

"Sheesh. They get so attached so quickly." He mutters as we enter Lyon's room. I nod, shrugging. "That's their nature. Especially for orphaned pups like Reilzi." 

I walk in the kennel and place Lyon inside the nest gently. He's barely awake. 

"Alright. He's not going to like this, is he?" Faerin sheepishly asks, and I shake my head. "If the Jias goes home with him though, he'll have to learn to accept it." I reply and Faerin nods before placing the Jias in the nest as well. 

Reilzi immediately attaches on to Lyon, and I wince at his angry chirps, trying to push the larger boy off of him, to no avail. 

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