A Life After the Next

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The Aruarnal Amulet. The Aruarnal Amulet. The Aruarnal Amulet. Even the name was cool... Honestly, though, I don't know what it does. I haven't read the second book since I was so infuriated with the first. All I know is that the public knows it as a magic enhancing amulet, and book Aveline knows it as 'mysterious and powerful, something beyond what the public knows'.

In any case, I wanted it. Bad.

Which is why right now, I was cursing the professors for banning magic for the talent show. Hmmm... in the book, it said that Aveline had the voice of an angel... but I've literally reincarnated and seen the goddess, so wouldn't that make me the closest person who could be an angel? Normally, the villainess would be sub-par, as to not outshine the heroine in the book... but my magic screams otherwise. Of course, mana capacity and magic attributes all depend on your soul, which is why I'm so perfect. But... is it possible that I have other cheats too? I haven't tried singing ever since I transmigrated. I mused. I kinda wanna try, but I can't afford to lose. On the other hand, I wanna one-up the pink fluff ball. What to do, what to do...

I stopped tapping my chin in reflection when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching me. "Hey, Nova."

I turned around and smiled. "Why, how nice to see you, Ax. Truly lovely weather we are having, is it not?"

"You forgot to turn off your switch again." He said with deadpan eyes.

"Shit, I did, didn't I."

"Nova, whatcha doing for your project?" He inquired. I looked at him with suspicious eyes and sighed.

"I might play piano... or violin... or sing... or do a routine for gymnastics... or dance the tango..." I murmured pensively.

"You can sing? What the fuck is 'gymnastics' or 'tango?"

"Sigh... never mind." I looked away and plopped down on the chair. "You wouldn't understand anyway." I held my forehead and felt my stress building up.

"Hey, hey, why're you so worked up?" He laid down on the other chair and looked at me nonchalantly.

My forehead creased, and I looked at my relaxed best friend in vexation. "I need to get that prize." I vehemently declared as I lay down on his body like a sofa. "The prize will be the most interesting thing I'll find in my life! I need. To. Get it. And no one's gonna stop me. Kekekekekeke..." My face released a chilling smile, akin to that of a demon.

"Ooooh! Something that could make you so worked up must be interesting. I need to get it, then." He said. His voice buried in my hair came out muffled to my ears, but the message came across.

I turned my head towards him slowly and stared him down. "Hahahahaha... no, you won't."


The order of the talent show was simple. The highest status people went first, and the lowest status last. Thus, it was obvious that the princes of empires and kingdoms went first, and surprise surprise, the baron's daughter Aveline went last and made a big splash.

"The Prince of Anisen, performing a sword dance."

His movements were swift and precise. It seems he'd been practicing. I quirked up my mouth in partial approval. He spotted me and frowned in displeasure for a moment before reverting back to his usual self.

He soon ended, and people watching from the stands clapped in respect.

"Prince Lionel, reciting..."

"Prince Alpha, preforming..."


"Lady Novea, playing and singing an original piece on the piano."

I stepped forward on the stage, curtsied, and smiled in the face of the blinding lights before sitting down on the velvet chair, facing the grand piano.

I breathed a deep breath and my fingers slowly made their way up and down the white and black keys of the grand piano.

"明日はきっと天気で 悪いことなんてないね~ タイムカードを押して僕は朝 目を開いた~ 僕らは今日も買ってる 足りないものしかなくて~ 靴を履きながら空想 空は高いのかな~ 貴方さえ 貴方さえ~ これはきっとわからないんだ~ はにかむ顔が散らつく~ 口を開けて風を食む..." I sang with a melodious voice. Hmmm... I was taking a gamble, but I guess that transmigrating here not only changed the villainess' soul to mine, but also her voice. Interesting. I thought as I continued to play.

The audience was awestruck. Well, of course they were. A new language they've never heard of, a beautiful and smooth voice, filled with emotion, and deep yet mellow music undertones.

I was absorbed in reminiscing. My memories came flooding back as I sang. It really brought me back. The audience, the piano, and me. I miss being Shurian Hoven... although I was on edge, I was so happy back then... I thought with glistening eyes.

I breathed in a deep breath once more and finished. "冬籠り 春が先~ 貴方の歌だけが聞こえる~ 今 口遊む貴方だけ~ 貴方だけ~" I got a standing ovation and stood up to bow. But I can never go back to that life again.

I'm a Villainess, But So What? Fuck Off.Where stories live. Discover now