Your Choice, Young Padawan

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One gollem defended me while the other two stormed towards him. Ciar, of course, dodged, and took advantage of their slow movements to deliver a blow towards one of their hearts, with what seemed to be an ice spear. The golems turned around and cooperated with the fire dragon. I could see the roaring mouth of his trying to swallow up Ciar, while the golems were cornering him to make sure he didn't escape. But shadow magic was powerful.

He fazed into the shadows of the golems and waited for an opening. And sure enough, it came. The dragon moved back, and he jumped out and impaled the two golems firmly with a spear. He compressed air and ice together and threw it towards the dragon. A roar resounded around the stadium before the dragon dissipated into thin air.

I was surprised. He... won. I guess I'm not strong enough yet. I narrowed my eyes and unsheathed my sword. I used gravity to float up and grinned. "Alright then."

I used physical enhancement and felt the mana flow through my body. I gathered balls of fire, water, earth, ice, and air above me and compressed them. I pointed towards Ciar's figure and used vines to try and bind him. He jumped away, but they kept following.

"The merry-go-round goes 'round and 'round, The children laughed and laughed and laughed, So many were going 'round and 'round, That the merry-go-round COLLAPSED." I found the next place Ciar was going to be and focused my compressed spheres towards him. A loud booming sound was heard, and I found Ciar laying in the rubble. Oops. Did I go too far?

I dropped to the floor and ran towards him. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." [SALVATION TO THOSE WHO HAVE SINNED, THOSE WHO HAVE HURT. FIND THOSE WHO SUFFER, AND OFFER THEM A GIFT. RUN TO THOSE WHO HAVE COWERED AND THOSE WHO ENDURE PAIN, AND END THEIR ANGUISH.] His breathing became steady and his wounds closed and healed. His blood was replenished.

When he came to, he stared at his left hand in awe. "My left hand. It's-"

My eyes widened worriedly. Shit. "Ahhh! I couldn't fix it! Damn, Mother's gonna kill me!"

He reassured me calmly and flexed his fingers and wrist. "It's finally healed."


"It's been injured since I was ten... I haven't been able to move it properly... until now."


"Thank you, Alice." Alice... he called me Alice...


"Alice, please be quiet, as we have an audience at this moment."

"Oh, right."


I was still in a state of shock when I found that Ciar had been killing people so skillfully with a damaged hand. A damaged hand. The leader of the most well known yet discreet assassination and inteligence guild... was killing people with a broken. Hand.

Why, I almost fainted from shock.

Even I wasn't as skilled with a dagger compared to Ciar. But he was using not only his left hand, but his broken hand? I feel belittled. How dare you mock me, Ciar.

And to think we went through so much.


"The pain! The betrayal!" I shook Ax's legs and hugged them for consolation.

"Listen, Nova, I have no idea what you are going on about, so just be quiet."

"You are not worthy of being my best friend." I grumped.


Finals. Once I finished this and I won, goodbye my days of boredom and hello mysterious-ancient-cool-looking-intriguing-thing-that-I've-been-waiting-for-my-entire-life.

"And... begin!"

I was competing against (surprisingly) Hothead and, dum-dum-dum-dummm... Idiot Prince.

It seems that Hothead has quite a bone to pick with me, seeing his thick murderous intent aimed at my face. I grinned. Usually, I'd let you off the hook, but now... I needed that shiny amulet, bad. I NEED IT, and you ain't getting in my way, sucka.

I unleashed my aura, and unsheathed my sword. No one was listening, they were just watching from the sidelines. I could do as I pleased. My aura forced them down. "Listen, you both know my true character."

I grinned and brought my sword to their necks. "And I wanna play with my new toy fast."

I pressed the blade against Hothead's fair neck, and blood oozed out from the scratch. "So, you either get severely injured..."

I looked at the Idiot Prince. "Or you forfeit right now, and let me take the prize."

I brushed my hair. "Well, either way, you're gonna lose."

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