Chapter 33

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Recap: "Sorry to interrupt guys" said my mom from where she stood "Maya, we wanted to ask if you would be happy staying in Noah's room whilst we are here for a few days?" UM WHAT "It's just your father says all the hotels are full, and we would have to drive quite a way every day to see you all" she continued

Noah pulled me into his side

"Sure, Mrs Adams" said Noah "That's fine with me" He smiled his mischievous grin and looked down at me 


The BBQ was the best way to welcome my parents to town. The meal was filled with a much needed catch up and light conversation about the boys work. 

In need of an early night after the days events I excused myself to get ready for bed. Kissing my mom and dad and wishing the boys goodnight I went upstairs. Firstly, I quickly tidied my room for my parents. Luckily it wasn't too bad as I had tidied it not long before. I also hopped in my shower before grabbing my things and going into Noah's room. 

Finding it more appropriate sleeping in some more clothes as I wasn't in my own room I threw on a pair of Noah's trackies along with my beige bralette top that I got on my latest shopping trip with the girls. 

I turned Noah's side light on and tried to stay awake for him. But that didn't last long and I later woke to Noah crawling into bed next to me. 

"Sorry Princess, go back to sleep" he whispered

Noah pulled me backwards into his arms and I relaxed instantly. 

"I love you" I whispered wearily 

"Love you too May" he said kissing my neck


Light shone through the windows and I slowly woke from my slumber. 

"Morning baby" Noah said, He must have noticed I woke up

The next thing I know Noah rolled me onto my back and he climbed on top of me pinning my arms above my head. I stayed silent as he began to place kisses from my wrists, then onto my neck. He moved the strap of my bralette to the side and kissed their next. Before going lower to my navel.

"Noah stop" I said all hot and bothered

"Sshhh Baby your parents are next door" he replied knowing exactly what he was doing 

I began to thrash my legs about 

"You know that just turns me on right?" He looked up at me and smirked 

He continued to kiss me, reaching the top of the trackies I couldn't take anymore. 

A knock on the door stopped Noah from going any further 

"Breakfast" yelled Jace through the door 

"Saved by the bell" I said pushing Noah off me 

"I don't think I have ever been more sexually frustrated than I am now" said Noah, as I returned his sarcastic smirk from earlier 

"Sorry baby, save it for when my parents have gone" I kissed Noahs cheek and grabbed his hoodie from the side table 

"You will pay Maya Grace. I can play this game too" Noah said quietly, following me out the room.

Over the next couple of days we took my parents to the beach and to see the local sights and they returned the favour by taking us out for dinner. 

On their last evening in California we were sat around the table playing cards.

"Do you have the two of hearts?" asked my brother Seb

"Go fish" laughed Jace

This is what I missed. Quality time with my family INCLUDING our parents. I would miss them when they left again. Especially with Christmas in a few weeks and not having them around for that. 

"I am going to miss you guys" I said abruptly 

My mom put down her cards... face down of course... and looked at me from across the table. 

"We will miss you to. But we are just so relieved to see you happy and at home in California" said my dad speaking up "Noah, thank you for looking after our baby girl" he said now looking at Noah "We know she's no angel but she is still our girl and we haven't stopped worrying about her since leaving"

"Yet you still left anyway" I muttered underneath my breath earning a stare from both my parents 

"What about us?" said Seb "We have looked after her too" 

"You don't have a choice, she's your sister" said my dad whacking him over the back of the head and laughing 

My mom laughed "Yes Thankyou Noah. You clearly make our Maya very happy"

"Thankyou Mr and Mrs Adams. She can be hard work sometimes, but I try" he smirked from where he sat next to me and reached his arm around my shoulders 

Everyone laughed. Besides me. 

I elbowed him in his side. "I am not hard work"

"Sure you aren't Princess" he said leaning over to kiss my cheek 

I spent the rest of the game in a strop. 

My parents were leaving tomorrow, and we had gotten through it. Noah was such gentleman and I am so relieved my parents approve. We had made it through the few days! Phew!

Coming soon: What happens next with Noah and Maya? Would Grace continue to pursue Jace? What will Maya decide to do with her life after school?

Update soon! 

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