Chapter 39

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"Well I don't know long term. That's still a thought in progress" I laughed nervously. "I think I am going to go travelling. See the world and all that"

"That's a great idea sis. I am proud of you" said Jace leaning over kissing my cheek

"I just want to go exploring before my life starts you know. Before I have to work hard and settle down" I smiled. Now sure of my decision.

There was only one person left to tell.


That weekend Noah asked if I wanted to go for a walk along the beach.

"Sure let me just grab a jacket, the wind is blowing wild today" I laughed. Noah just shot me a small smile, not much meaning or emotion behind it. What was wrong with him?

We walked towards the beach, Noah not offering to take my hand like normal. Instead he chose to walk a few steps ahead, not even looking back to check if I was there.

Something was wrong and I needed to find out.

Once at the beach we continued to walk along the shore in silence. Noah still infant of me.

"I can't do this anymore Maya" he said. Finally turning around to look at me.

"Can't do what?" I said "What are you talking about Noah?"

I know looked at him with worry. What was he doing?

"I can't do us anymore. I don't want to be in a relationship with you. I just don't feel the way I thought I did" he spoke quietly, not able to allow his eyes to reach mine.

"What do you mean?" I said, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you" he started "I think it's for the best. I don't want to hold you back from your dreams" I could see him starting to get upset too. I didn't quite believe the words coming out of his mouth. I was struggling to process it all.

"But you are part of my dreams Noah. Part of my future" I began trying to catch up with him as he began to walk off.

"Just leave it Maya. I'm not good for you"

Noah left. He left. He just walked off, leaving me alone at the beach. I sat down, staring at the waves. Analysing every crash, every sound they made. I'm not sure how long I was there for, or how long I spent crying. But my tears had dried and I felt someone sit down next to me.

An arm wrapped around my shoulder. Knowing it was Seb I relaxed into his arms and my tears began to fall again, but no noise came out.

"What happened Maya?" asked Seb

"He broke up with me Sebby. He broke my heart just like you warned me he would" I replied between sobs

"You need to follow your dreams Maya. And if he can't support that, then you aren't good enough for him" He continued to hold me until it got dark, neither of us saying anything else. I didn't know what else to say. I was numb.

We walked towards the road, Jace pulled up in his car, that must've been who Seb was texting. Though the walk back to the house wasn't far I was grateful for the ride.

"You've got us Maya. Go and live your dreams" said Jace as I sat in the car.

With no tears left to cry I just looked away and out of the window. Why did this have to happen to me? Just as everything was working out too.


I went straight up to bed when I got home. Not stopping to see if Noah was here. I couldn't bare seeing his face again. Not so soon anyway.

I called my mom, needing some girly words of wisdom. My brothers were great and that but I knew they were unsure what to say to me earlier.

"I'm so sorry baby" she said sadly on the other side of the line. Her latest adventures had taken her to Canada. "We aren't far from you Maya. I can come see you if you need too?"

"It's okay mom honestly. I just needed to hear your voice"

I hung up with my mum and spent the rest of the evening in my bed. I needed some time to think.

Why did he break up with me? We were fine up until now... what had I done wrong?


The next day I sulked downstairs when I was sure I couldn't hear Noah's voice.

"It's alright May. Noah has left for a bit. Something about going to stay with his uncle in New York for a while"

I shrugged "So?"

"Its alright to care Maya. We know you loved him" said Jace rubbing my shoulder reassuringly.

"Have you said anything to Noah? I thought you would've beat him up by now?" I asked. Knowing how protective my brothers were I was surprised not to hear a bust up last night. I thought they would've wanted to hurt Noah like he hurt me. Maybe they just aren't telling me something.

"Umm no we haven't" said Seb rubbing the back of his neck "We thought him leaving for a while was better than anything we could've done to him. You need to follow your dreams Maya. Not his"

"Fair enough" I said getting up and grabbing a bottle of juice from the fridge. I wanted to spend the day alone again. Maybe even look into travelling. It's not like I had anything stopping me now. As soon as school ended, I was leaving.

"Hey May May" called Seb as I walked out the kitchen "We love you"

I just sent the boys a small smile and continued to walk upstairs. Get me out of here.

Well.... Maya and Noah are officially over. But why did he really break up with her?

Update soon!

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