Chapter 18

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~Nobody's POV~

After the talk in the girls chat and Adellia left the party but the girls had a feeling something wasn't right... so Jay when to find yeli..but instead of finding her she sees something else

~Jay Pov~

I was walking through the crowd looking for d.o and yeli but instead I see my brother and boyfriend kissing and grinding on each other. Forgetting about what was happening and who I was looking for i just walked off fast enough so they wouldn't see me..

I walked outside to think about what the fuck I just saw...and the he came

"Hey you look like you saw a dead body"he said

"Whatever yesung just leave me along" I said

"What's wrong who did something to my girl"he said

"I jus- nothing nothing wrong " I said please with my hands

"Ok but anyways I would like to apologize for last week" he said putting his arm around me

"Yea I sorry as while"I said

And with that he hugged me

"I need to tell you something" he said

"Ok what is it"I said looking up at him

"So kai and I ar-" he started to say

Before he could finish his sentence

I was pulled way by leetuke

"Hey have you seen dellia ?" He said looking like he was high

"No but I did talk" I told him

"Where is she?" He asked

"She went home"I said

"Home why"he asked

Damn he asking to many questions man shit

"She didn't say but Nayeli and I was about to go see what's up" I said putting Nayeli in something she didn't even know I was going to do

"Should I go too?" He asked

He ask on more question imma walk off

"No we got it but we'll call" I told him

"Ok" he said walk off with Minho

And on that note I went looking for Nayeli and found her standing by the door waiting

"Damn bitch took you long enough" she said laughing

But the look on my face says something different

"Why wrong baby" she said looking consider

"Nothing ready to see who hurt my baby" I said

As we walked out the house all I could think about was what yesung was about to say..and how could kai and baekkie do that too me

~Nayeil pov~

What the hell is going on today I knew coming to this party was fucked be and distayer...  And now something wrong with dellia and Jay looks like she was about to kill somebody..

We drove over to her and leetuke's house but she wasn't there...we drove to my house she wasn't there

"Where the hell is this girl" I heard Jay say

'Then I heard Jay on the phone with lay

'Hey brotha dellia home'

'Yea she just here a few minutes ago'

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