💭~Society Would Go Wild~💭

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I pace around the deck why is it I'm always the one waiting for the ninja.

A fit of laughter can be heard as they all join me waiting for Sensei.

"Hehe. Little slow today, huh? What exactly did you dream about?" Kai marvels

"I saw the Falcon again." Zane answers

This receives my attention.

"Whoa. Zane, every time you see that bird, something big happens. First, it leads you and Y/n to the secret treehouse." Jay reacted

"Then it leads you to the Bounty." Cole finished

"All right. Stretches. First, the Swooping Crane." Sensei Wu proclaims onto the deck facing away from us to demonstrate the stretch.

"This time, it showed me the Green Ninja," Zane whispered

"The Green Ninja?" All four of us yell screwing up the pose

"That looks like the Shocked Monkey. Bad form, more focus." Sensei snaps me out of my shock

I slowly obtain the accurate form.

"You can't just drop a bomb like that. Spill the beans." Jay murmured

"Yeah, what else did you see?" Kai muttered

"He was fighting Lord Garmadon." Zane breathed out

"That's what the prophecy said. That the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord." I join in the discussion keeping my voice low.

"But did you have a chance to see which one of us was him?" Kai begged

"Yeah." Jay added in a hushed voice

"Did you see?" Cole asked whispering

"I could not tell. He shared attributes each of us possess." Zane replied back whispering

"Now, Pinching Crab." Sensei declared changing poses

We all alter poses and I face Sensei along with Cole, Jay, and Zane

"Well, tell us everything. And don't spare any details. There has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the Green Nin—" Kai was interrupted by Sensei Wu pulling his hair.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hey!" Kai whines rubbing the hair

I exit out of my pose along with the others

"What was so important to ignore my teachings?" Sensei Wu concerns

"Uh, nothing." Kai retorted

"It was nothing, Sensei." Jay responded

"Yeah, we don't talk while you teach." Cole announced

"Everyone was paying attention." Zane added

"No one is ignoring you Sensei." I smile trying to convince him

"Since you all appear to be lacking in focus, then you can all share in the punishment." Sensei remarked

"What?" Kai says

"Punishment?" Jay implores

"It should be Kai he was talking the most." I commented

"No no It was all Zane." Cole asserted

"I was merely answering their questions." Zane defended

"No free time and no video games. The rest of the day can be used for training. And tomorrow, for that matter." Sensei asserted

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