🏮~Day of the Departed~🏮

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"The ninja. The Master Wu." Dr. Saunders grinned coming up to us

"Dr. Saunders." Sensei greeted

"Oh, please. We are all friends. You must call me by my first name, yes? Sander, yes?" Dr. Saunders questioned

I turn whispering to Cole. "Dr. Sander Saunders?"

"Seems like a fake name." Cole remarks making both of us laugh.

Me and Cole finally dating just felt so right.

"I am so pleased to be seeing you at this now. We are opening our new exhibit. Come. You see, come." Dr. Saunders leads us to the entrance to the hall. "Might I be presenting the Hall of Villainy."

"Wow." We all breath out and Cole grabs my hand

"Cryptor." Dr. Saunders said pointing him

"A plastic mannequin." Zane replied

"Kozu." Dr. Saunders said

"Uncanny." Lloyd commented

"Chen." Dr. Saunders told

"Memories." Nya smiled

"Samukai." Dr. Saunders laughed

"Is he looking at me?" Jay asked

"Maybe from the past." Sensei replied

"And Morro."

I smiled upon seeing Morro.

"Checking this out! We don't just open on Day of Departed. It's Day of Departed lunar eclipse. A special eclipse." Dr. Saunders explained

"The rarest Yin-Yang eclipse." I informed as Dr. Saunders nodded. "Oh, poetic, is it not? Scary holiday, scary exhibit, scary moon. There is magic in the air. Boogily-boogily!"

"It's... every villain we've ever faced." I trailed off as Cole pulled me over to Master Yang's portrait. "Not every villain."

I frowned at Cole he was still upset over the fact of being a ghost. I didn't know how to help him.

"Although known to some as the master without a student, Kodokuna Yang will be remembered by most as the creator of Airjitzu, the most powerful martial art in history." I spoke reading the writing on the side.

"Huh. Actually, I remember Yang as the guy who turned me into a ghost." Cole scoffed as we look at the relic encased in clear material.

"Hey, uh, Dr. Saunders? What's the story on this thing?" I yell to get no reply

"Hello? Dr. Saunders? Anyone?" Cole shouted as they all come to us. Saunders and the ninja walk through us as if we weren't there. "Uh, hey, watch it. You guys are walking right through me!" Cole yelled as I stood in shock.

"They walked though you too!" Cole exclaimed

"Something is wrong." I state slowly

"The Yin Blade belonged to Master Yang. It is said to possess much dark magic." Dr. Saunders informed

"They don't hear us, o-or see us. It's like we don't exist anymore." I replied in fear as Cole grew frustrated. "And it's all your fault!" He points angrily towards Yang's portrait

"Y/n. Cole. Come. Come." The portrait spoke

"Uh....tell me you heard that." I whispered as he nodded slowly

"Come, Cole... come Y/n."

"Yang." Cole stated

"Close the circle." Yang spoke

•The World Isn't Ending• (Cole x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now