Chapter 20 - A Place of Madness

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Captain Summer's voice came over the radio. "What on God's green earth was that?"

"That Control is the sound of thousands of walkers protesting the removal of one of their colleagues."

As one, the swarm ceased, an eerie silence following. Then the swarm took a step forward, then another, and another and the deadheads shambled back into motion.

"They're moving!" Merryn was aware of the terror in her voice but made no effort to remain calm. "They're no faster than they were before, but they are moving in one direction, together. If they were an army, they would be marching at this point.

"Ed's rejoined me, we're going to pull back to the top of the next hill and continue to monitor. Then I'll send her out around the edges to gauge the size."

"Roger that Scout 2. Report back at the next hilltop, please. And be careful. Control out."

Merryn packed the radio, slung her pack over her shoulder, and looked over at Eddie who was already on her bike, hands shaking, breathing laboured from her run.

"Let's get the hell out of here," she cast a look over her shoulder at the advancing walkers and shuddered. "Time to go."


Merryn sat on the back of a pickup truck, swinging her legs and keeping a watch on the advancing horde below. As they'd hit the top of the hill, Eddie had veered off to the right following an access track that appeared to lead to higher ground to try and gain a clearer view of the extent of the swarm.

For twenty minutes Merryn had watched the inexorable advance, the walkers advancing in near silence, and all Merryn could hear was the distant shuffling of thousands of feet as they made their way along the carriageway towards her new position. Most of the walkers appeared to be confined within the embankmented sides of the road, but as her field of view had been limited to the immediate area of the road, it had made sense for Eddie to seek even higher ground to try and gauge their numbers and spread more accurately.

She reached for the radio to report in as requested.

"Control, this is Scout 2, are you there, over?"

"Scout 2, this is Control. Mal here, and the Captain is standing next to me."

"Well, I'm sitting on top of the next hill, and I'm looking down at the mob advancing toward me. They're making steady progress, but anyone could keep ahead of them at a normal walking pace. I'm going to..."

Merryn froze as the click of a handgun being armed came from her left. She glanced over and met Rimmer's insane gaze, his eyes dancing with malice, one finger raised to his lips.

"Scout 2. Merryn, do you read me?"

Merryn placed her radio on the flatbed of the pickup and raised her hands. Rimmer motioned her off the vehicle and pointed at the tarmac. As she positioned herself face down on the ground, he reached into the truck and pulled out a length of rope and in moments had her trussed up and unable to move, ignoring Mal's efforts to contact her.

Satisfied she would be unable to escape, the man sheathed his pistol, kicked her in the ribs, and lifted the radio.

"Hello Control, this is field agent Rimmer reporting in."

"Rimmer, this is Summers. You may want to consider your actions at this point."

"Ah, the dear Captain. Well sir, my actions, once I destroy this radio, will be as follows. I am going to strip the Scout here. Then I am going to use her as I see fit. Then I am going to flay her alive but gag her well so the neighbours can't hear her. And then I am going to take her electric bike and ride off into the sunset leaving what's left of her to the deadheads who I'm sure will enjoy her company."

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